Olympics was all about Phelps and Bolt for me!

Last Update: August 12, 2012
As a sports lover, I was overwhelmed by these two people. Every Olympics brings in new people, new set of stars, new techniques of mastering sports, but these two just remain in their positions. Of course Phelps having admitted as this being his last one saddened me immensely. But then, who can forget him - The person with the most number of medals in the history of Olympics! Whuff!!!! These people are called true champions. They are just relentless.

In Beijing, Phelps took everything in swimming. At that time, the great Ian Thorpe was competing against him too. I was in college doing my engineering those days. Beijing Olympics was of no interest to me besides my country's athletes and these two. Phelps, I saw before, but Usain Bolt, never (although he might be a star by then). His burst into Olympic books made me a crazy fan (The youth love it).

Since then Bolt has broken almost every available record to be broken. His stint in the 100 and 200m sprints generate so much adrenaline that you just cannot keep away from the television. I have to admit, i forgot internet marketing for a while.

Their stories tell us great things about perseverance. Phelps persevered since his school days. Bolt as well ran since childhood. That tells one thing - It takes years of practice to be the best in the world. They were doing it since childhood, so we didn't notice. I had did everything but never showed this kind of dedication to make it big in anything. I get it now! Now, is the time. I have started and continuing in my quest to be a good entrepreneur. Let us take the positives from their brilliance and make ourselves big in this lifetime.

I would like to finish this off with the title of Lance Armstrong's book "Every second Counts"!

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willdoweb Premium
Many of the things in the Olympics I had no idea were Olympic sports! I guess I didn't pay near as much attention in the past but I have been this time around and I have found it to be very entertaining. Can anyone think of a popular sport that may be missing?
anindochk Premium
I am cricket fan and I find it amusing to see cricket missing from the list.
TJ Books Premium
I watched every bit I could of the Big O. I even watched women's beach volley ball and badminton and water polo and oh yes, ping pong. I like track and field and gymnastics and swimming and diving. John
anindochk Premium
Gymnastics is a terrific sport. Heard that in China, most young ones are taken to training centres to train directly in it. They are trained since childhood and thats why they keep winning medals..
Shawn Martin Premium
I have been lucky enough to have lived through so many special moments during the Olympics. What Phelps has done is incredible!
anindochk Premium
You are from London? Great!!!!
Shawn Martin Premium
No, I am in the USA, but I have spent lots of time in London. I was also a performer at the Olympics in Norway.
willdoweb Premium
I like hiking. A friend of mine often accompanies me. We've been known to disappear into the hills for four days in the middle of the winter - camping out in 4 feet of snow through subzero temps. On of the best things it has taught me is perseverance. When u r miles back, surviving in what could be considered some of the most primitive conditions and HAVE TO do it, one can not give up. Death is in defeat.
anindochk Premium
That's scary too! Hiking in the hills without signs of humans around. I have done that too. Studied in a college that lies in the Himalayas, India. But yes, I have not done hiking in sub zero temperatures any time. Hats off to you to even attempt that. But would definitely like to do that too.
TJ Books Premium
I remember life like that at 1243 meters, the highest hill on the line in Korea the winter of 1951-52. Some had frozen feet. Some didn't make it home alive. John