Starting from scratch!

Last Update: June 12, 2012

Just joined WA!

Seems a little weird as well as exciting that I am with some esteemed Affiliates who are in this business since a long time. I was wary of joining WA university as my previous experiences have not been outstanding with many websites. To be honest, my 10 day trial period got over in a wisker and I realized that after the expiry period!

The immediate reaction was "uhhh! I wasted another opportunity". But then, I am an engineer from India working in a software company that has over 200000 employees. I get paid. I can afford the monthly fees for a while. Of course, after a while, I will learn to use the university to pay my fees as well. :)

Today, I just got to know the basic starting procedures and DOs and DONTs of the system/interface. I am now thinking of undertaking the 30 day success course from tomorrow. My motive in joining the university is to :

- of course earn money :)
- Get over my Corporate job ( I have had enough).
- Go back to my home and stay with my parents for a while ( this is called freedom).
- Generate resources that shall help people to succeed in life.

I hope to write blogs more often now and share my experiences on being at WA from scratch. I think this will people in the long run ( Even if I do not succeed, which is not going to happen ).

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ThomasPaul Premium
Welcome! I look forward to reading your blog posts in the future. :)
anindochk Premium
Sure.. Will surely keep in touch..
anindochk Premium
And thanks for the welcome! :)
Hi there, welcome to WA! I am a complete newbie least at WA, I am! Fellow Indian here....trying to learn the ropes of making the magic and moolah happen in the IM to c ya around :)
anindochk Premium
Hi writergrl!!!! :) ya same here..... May our interaction generate lots of cash!!! :)
TJ Books Premium
At your request, I sent you a P.M. Anindock. Hi, Veronica! How goes it?
anindochk Premium
Thank you for acknowledging my message! It really means a lot to me. Will start to ask you lots of questions in some time.. :)

Thank you once again for the reply!
veronica.l Premium
Welcome to WA!! Start with the 30 day success it is a great place to start! Best of luck and if you have any questions just let us know!
anindochk Premium
Hey thanks for the tip!!! I will closely follow you. It is amazing, how much I am getting from the first day!
