My dilemma! Sell my ebook or sell others' products.

Last Update: June 25, 2012
I am very confused over the last few days as to what I should sell. I started writing a book on Karma and the underlying philosophy behind it 3 months back. I have been very busy with studying people as to how they react to situations and whether or not the reactions appear Karmic or not. Even if they are not Karmic, there is a semblance of Karma in them.

So now, after writing the book for while, I had developed a side interest in Affiliate marketing. Now, the love seems to stay and I want to promote others' products. The problem with promoting both is that the products that I chose and the products that I want to sell are from different niches. So I am in a dilemma! Any solutions would be perfectly welcome. :)

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ThomasPaul Premium
Maybe finish your ebook and offer it as a bonus to people who purchase through your affiliate link a product that's related to the content of your ebook?
anindochk Premium
Nice thought. Why didn't I figure that out? :)
ThomasPaul Premium
A lot of times it's easier to see things from a fresh perspective. That's why it's so great being able to bounce ideas off of other people.
veronica.l Premium
is your ebook done? I would start out with affiliate products and then when your ebook is done start promoting that as well. It is always good to get some experience with affiliate marketing before diving into promoting your own product. Both can certainly be done though. Good luck!
anindochk Premium
Yes, the idea is to do both of them together but scarcity of time is killing me!
TJ Books Premium
Why not pay the $50 bucks and put your book on clickbank and let other affiliates sell it for you? But, you need a very good landing page to make it work. It must be professional or the affiliates will shun your product. Also, you need to have some information to help affiliates so you may have to add a page for that. Now you could just put your book on your site and use a PayPal button for folks to buy it. Then it would be up to you to send traffic. It is ok to have more than one niche. John
anindochk Premium
Landing Page!!! hmmm..... Will try to figure that out. Thanks!
anindochk Premium
Landing Page!!! hmmm..... Will try to figure that out. Thanks!
georgejhaas Premium
Hi, I would do both. Sell others products and receive a commission and sell your eBook and receive royalties. In either circumstance, you earn income from both sources. Good luck!
anindochk Premium
I would also want to do both. It is very tempting but I have a scarcity of time.. Have to figure out ways :)