Staggering differences between the self employed and the just employed.

Last Update: June 18, 2012
Over the last year, I have worked in a large corporate that employs humongous amounts of people and experienced some interesting things ( I don't like to call them interesting, but have to be fair to them). Over the same year, I have searched frantically about starting a business online. Through that process, I gathered some experience as well. Though a 1 year experience is nothing compared to people who are working since years, but still I shall give some facets of the two parallel worlds that reside in the hearts of an affiliate (ok, they are businessmen as well) and the average corporate.

Last year, in july 2011, i was inducted into an IT company for which I am working even today. Immediately after joining, I started disliking the nature of the work. Or, actually, the work was pretty competitive and interesting. but the ethics were too much for me. One of them was " If you cannot finish your work on the same day, then you have to sit all night and do it. At first, I understood the pain on most of those senior bosses because it were their seniors who were troubling them. Lately, I have started developing a feeling of unhappiness for these people as well as for myself. The truth behind the necessary working culture is very depressing in general. I tried understanding the IT business in general. The company that I work in is basically service oriented. Keeping the working staff motivated is a major challenge faced by these companies. As the company grows and challenges increase for them, it is just the employee who suffers. Work load increases and the employee reaches the state of being JUST EMPLOYED.

Now, coming to the other end - Being SELF EMPLOYED.

The audacity of being self employed is the best thing about being self employed. Fears of not completing something by tonight will never arise for the self employed. This is because -
1. The self employed always works at his own speed.
2. He always loves his work no matter what . (Otherwise he wouldn't have thought of being self employed).
3. Now, he has the option to go online which means not even stepping out from home.
And as far as ethics are concerned, it is left to the individual himself to practice. He practices ethics, he achieves. He doesn't, he falters, then he realizes that he should practice them. This is called being SELF EMPLOYED.

I am still struggling and working my way up from a JUST EMPLOYED to being a SELF EMPLOYED.
May God bless all those who are on the same path as well as those who aren't because it is them who require more blessings.


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ThomasPaul Premium
Hey Anindo,

I'm right there with you working from being JUST EMPLOYED to being SELF EMPLOYED.

I think another thing that separates the two is their relationship with risk. Employees want to know that they'll be compensated for working a certain amount of hours.

Entrepreneurs do not have that luxury. We take on the risk that something may not work out and we won't get any money for the work we put it in, but at the same time we have the potential for a huge upside.

Choosing how, when, and where I want to live my life without having those things being dictated to me by a job. I think these things are well worth the risk.
anindochk Premium
Very true! In fact that is what we do every day!
veronica.l Premium
Since I became self employed I have not looked back. It is hard work but I know I am building something for myself not for someone else. It is long hours but you set your own hours. I get paid by result and I would not want it any other way, If I deliver and do it well I know the money will follow...
anindochk Premium
Exactly, "PAID BY RESULT" . That is a very good term. We perform and get rewards, if we don't perform, nothing comes in. In some ways, that sometimes keeps us motivated too.