Article Marketing and SEO

Last Update: July 13, 2010

I've gone off a little here telling people they need to quit worrying about getting their website on Google's page one, seo traffic building, building back links and the like and concentrate on their article marketing and getting their articles ranked. You market to people not to search engines.

I was told by one person ... "I could write the best article in the world that would make everybody buy but if my website not on the first page of Google then nobody is ever going to read it". Really?

Now for the record I have an old ezinearticle that was viewed over 4,000 times and made me hundreds of dollars and the particular website it was linked to never got past page 3.  That was one of my early attempts at Article Marketing. I sold that website for $700 dollars about six months ago.

I have made some assumptions about all the people doing Article Marketing at WA. I have assumed they have been introduced to Travis Sago's Bum Marketing or Pot Pie Girls One Week Marketing. I have assumed they are using LOW COMPETITION keywords and phrases to buy and build their domains and websites.  I have assumed that they are using those keywords in their squidoo lenses, their hub pages, their websites and their articles.

If you do the above, SEO should take care of itself.

By following that model I have had a dozen websites rank on the first page of Google in less than a week by writing one or two posts on a blog page and submitting ONE Article to the top ten search engines. I didn't worry, and still don't, about creating 200 articles to get backlinks from to raise my rating. I've never had to write more than 15 articles to get to that front page and usually stay there. AND YES - I have a 6 figure income.

If I do my keyword research correctly before I start I know that SEO will take care of itself. Then I can get to the BUSINESS of Article Marketing.'s a little blurb straight out of Travis' Free Bum Marketing Course..

If you post an ad, message or article on either of the above sites, in the way I am about to show you below, your ad, message or article will show up on the first page of Google in as little as two days to about two weeks.

2nd Secret...Getting On Google's First Page 90% of the Time the 1st secret is to post your article, ad or message on one of the above sites.

The 2nd secret is to target a phrase that has between 1000 to 5000 optimized results on Google.

The above is in part three of the ecourse.

Thats All Folks! Go get the free ecourse again and re-learn what you should have already known.

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Carrie Premium
I like the way you think.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks for this post.