
Last Update: June 02, 2010

When your struggling to find what you want to do and what your good at, you try all sorts of things until something fits. I've always wanted to be a massage therapist, get certified in Aromatherapy. You know, all the holistic, hippie/crunchy stuff. What people do not realize is that it is all legit, and should be taken seriously in the medical field. However I suck at taking tests. I don't know what the issue is, but I've never been good at it so I'm still trying to get my national cert to practice.

On the other side I'm great at customer service and figuring out what people want. I'm giong to school to bet my BA in Marketing. I HATED what I am doing. All my classes are in research. It was horribly boring and not what I wanted to do. I was set on advertising and thats not what I got. Then I discovered WA, and didn't think much of it. I got an epiphany this morning. I can specialize in Internet Marketing. All I need to do is take all the stuff I've been learning here and school and my sales experience and i can make it work.

I still want to do the holistic stuff, but I want to do it on the side while my focus will be on the IM.

Guess school wasn't such a waste afterall....

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Ligia Premium
Epiphany, I've learned in my 50 some years of live that anything we do or go through has a purpose and will serve us or others in the future, even if we don't see at the moment the thing is happening.

And any experience we have had is valuable on the Internet because it will resonate with someone out there.

I wish you all the best!