Promoting Bedroom toys

Last Update: August 26, 2010

So I've done something new....I've joined Athena's Home Novelties. I'm going to try to get my site out there so people can find me and book parties or just plain order from the site (parties are way more fun though).

The only thing is that the site is for amazing spa products and bedroom toys. I know a lot of  sites like Squidoo are pretty strict when it comes to adult stuff.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


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Old Mizer Premium
After blogging for several years I feel it is just like anything else. You just have to jump into it, put something together and see what clicks. You have me laughing because it reminds me of trying to teach my mother how to use a PC. I showed her one time how to use a search engine to find things. LOL The list would come up and she would start reading the paragraphs under the links. I would see one that looked good and told her to try it. Then she would look back at me and say, "But what if that's not what I'm looking for?" *snickering* I kept telling her, "Just click it and see. If it's not what you want you can always exit it and search the other choices. It's not going to cost you a fee or anything." I think it is the same way with blogging or writing articles. Just jump in and get your feet wet. If it doesn't work, you know that's not the direction to take and scratch that approach off the list. You have already learned something. 8^} Trial and error is the best way to learn anything in life. Then again, speaking of bedroom toys, let me reword that. Trial and error is the best way to learn a majority of things in life. There are those on the list that you just don't experiment with.
Claire Jennette Premium
Okay I'll be honest. I'm a total dunce on the SEO thing though I'm dying to figure it out. I think it would be great not just for me, but a great way to promote Athena's Cup, a charity for breast cancer. Same thing with blogging. I'm not sure what I should put on there. I mean, I've always considered blogging just an online diary. I suppose that I could put up specials and contests, but I've never really done it before....
jatdebeaune Premium
I agree with both Jamie and Louise. I don't do Squidoo anymore either. I like blogs either with or wordpress. Link your articles to the blogs. You need that freedom.
Louise M. Premium
Start a blog and link it to your site! So that you'll be able to publish any content you want and Squidoo won't bother you anymore. And if you do some SEO on your posts and create backlinks, you'll do just fine. Good luck!!
Jamie Smith Premium
Congrats on your new website! In my opinion, Squidoo is a waste of time.