HTML Success!

Last Update: May 27, 2010

I followed Pot Pie Girls blog about basic HTML and I was able to build links into my article. Though it is not complete, and I still have some work to do, I feel the progress. YAY!

Although understanding the little parts of it is a bit confusing, all I needed was to see it, and understand how to insert the website, and what I wanted it to say. I got it, I get it,  and now I"m going to try to add the BIG ARROW link she was talking about....


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JaredB Premium
Good job. The more you learn, the more you believe you can figure out anything in this business! It all builds on itself.
Claire Jennette Premium
I'm sort of a learning nut. I love adding new things to the brain :) Now I just need to make sure I can get my lens high enough to get noticed. Then maybe I can afford the new WA fees, lol
DABK Premium
Feels good to slay the hairs on the toes of the big HTML code, doesn't it? Next week, you'll slay it all the way to the knees and you'll fell 14 feet tall. Talking from experience here!
maureenhannan Premium
Good for you, Jennette! Awfully resourceful of you. It's so empowering once you know it, isn't it? ~ Maureen