Thanks PotPieGirl

Last Update: May 14, 2010

Pot Pie Girl just may be my savior in all this. I've been reading her how-tos and I love them! I have limited time and of course at work I am web-sensed, so I can't make a squidoo lens till I get home, but we will see what happens. I'm working on it, and I have my eye on a couple of accredations.  

I had one more incentive added to the list yesterday. I showed interest in doing something something at work. I mentioned that I would want to be the scheduling coordinator as long as I was paid adequately for it. Low and behold I get a bastard version. Not only do I have to go play reception for 4 hours out of every Monday, I also get to be in the call que rotation. So if the 2 receptionists don't pick up the call automatically comes to me. The best part? I get the extra responsibility all for what they are paying me now. I was so angry I couldn't see straight. Oh they like having me around, but then again what company wouldn't find a way to keep using the same person without having to pay what they are worth.

Sorry for the vent, but I was pretty unhappy yesterday. Though it did give me some motivation. Now if only I could stay awake while doing my work when I'm up early.....


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PotPieGirl Premium
Thank YOU! I'm glad something helps clear some of the confusion. Hang in there at work, kiddo !