Picking a Niche

Last Update: May 11, 2010

So yesterday I'm going through the training, and I'm trying to do what I'm told (well in between work I was actually supposed to be doing). I started to narrow it down. I decided to do vegetarian cooking. Instead of a website that sells vegetarian cooking, I got actualy recipies. Which works for me cause that gives me new recipies. I just don't think thats what was supposed to happen. So later today when I've been a good little employee and get my work done I'll go back and try again. I must have missed something because why would the niche finding website in the training lead me to an actual (free) recipie rather than a shopping site?

*Sigh* and so the first block. Ah well, hopefully I can break through it soon enough.... 

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Claire Jennette Premium
Oh! I forgot, the picture is the Trá an Dóilin (Coral Beach) in Carraroe, Co. Galway in Ireland. I went last year with my boyfriend. It's right down the street from his parents house, and is now one of my favorite spots ever!
Claire Jennette Premium
I will definitely have to look again! I'm definitely not opposed to teasers. I'm not a veggie, but I LOVE vegetarian and vegan foods. I also love reading, so I thought it would be a good niche to try out.
The idea of making my own cookbook is awesome. I don't know why I didn't htink of it. You know...my best friend is writing a cookbook. She was even quoted in Clean Eating because of her recipies. Maybe I can talk her into working with me on this. Then I can sell her cookbook and we can both make money!
reefswimmer Premium
Hi Claire--saw your forum post, which perked up my interest, so here I am. I went to WA keyword research tool, typed in vegetarian cooking and clicked on the fourth entry.

Poked around a bit, and found a bunch of yummy-looking recipes. Also found that the main thing they are selling is subscriptions to their magazine (I think it is called Homemaker....just look on the left of the site). Also, the right side of this homepage has several ads to click on so (they have some sort of agreement for CPC or CPA with these companies ) so they make money that way too.

Yup, this is one of these cool sites that give us great free stuff (the recipes do look great), hoping that a certain percentage will buy a subscription by clocking on the left. Now, if I were doing it, I would probably take the advice of WA marketers I have been learning from, and entice people with the recipes and put a Subscribe Here button smack dab in the middle column, a few times. That's the call to action. Just requires a slightly different page layout than they are using---and I bet they would get a better click-thru rate.

I also looked for that lovely word Affiliate in the fine print at the bottom, but didn't find it.

Hope this spurs you on a bit, in your dig-into-the-niche search. It spurs me on with a few yummy-looking recipes----I'm not sure how I might use a link to these people in a campaign. Maybe if I were writing articles on vegetarian cooking ....I dunno.

I love the photo you use to blog. Where is it ???

diane, reefswimmer
Louise M. Premium
Yep Joan is right! By the way, check out that website again, are you sure they're not selling anything? 'cause you'll soon discover that giving away A LOT of good stuff can make you A LOT of money! Odd, huh? It just builds credibility and when you eventually sell something, people don't think twice before buying. Keep researching, that's a good niche.
Btw, I'm a veggie! ;)
jatdebeaune Premium
Well, vegetarian cookbooks. Books on proper nutrition when you go vegetarian. Books on the benefits of being vegetarian. Macrobiotic diet cookbooks. How vegetarian diets can heal chronic disease. You can make your own vegetarian cookbook and sell it on ClickBank.