How Far Can I Go

Last Update: May 07, 2010

Let me introduce name is Claire and I have been with wealthy affiliate since August 24, 2009. I am a workaholic. I have a full time job, and recently lost my second job to the most severe flooding Rhode Island has seen in 100 years. My job was under 8 feet of water for several days. Although it was not a lot of income, it still hurts to see it go out the door. I am also taking a course through Allied Business School for Medical Transcription, and just for more torture I am finishing up my degree in Marketing this semester. I'm also a belly dancer, and I have a boyfriend who is constantly having to make appearances at some event or other, which means I am expected to be there as well. What am I looking forward to as June rolls around? One full weekend of absolutely nothing but sleep. I get up at 4 am on the weekdays and go to bed around 10.

So now that I've lost income, I need to recapture what I was doing and figure out how to make it work. What have I done in that time with all this awesome training provided by WA? Nothing. That's right. I've done nothing except read how to do something. I did at least try to make a landing page. No matter what I read, or who I talked to, I just couldn't figure out how to make it work. I didn't understand the lingo, and I was getting very frustrated.

This is something I want to learn. I just wish there was someone in RI who could sit down with me and help me. I happen to be one of those people who learn from being shown and taking lots of notes, so that when I have to do it again I can go step by step with the directions I gave myself. I need something that says 1) do this 2) click here. I am actually that literal!

So maybe if I write about my experience someone will see what I'm doing wrong or maybe I'll go back and read it and say "duh!" and figure it out. If I can write about it then it will help me get past the frustration of not knowing what I'm doing.

So wish me luck on this new leg of my journey learning to be an affiliate marketer!


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jorpcorn Premium
This won't probably be of any help to you, but take comfort in knowing you are not alone. I have only been a member for a month, but feel much the same. However I am slowly working thru the training, and checking out many of the other resources as well, and slowly things are making some sense to me. At least you have done this blog - it will probably get you some good advice. I am about to do my first one, just to get started. Good luck with your learning!