Posts by Daniel Euergetes 185
January 09, 2011
Ironically, there is a song playing...something from the 1940s,or possibly the late 1930s...all about vacationing in Brazil.  I had to turn it off.  At its silencing comes the dull roar of all the commuting traffic on the highway all too familiar sound of the "work week." It's Monday morning.  I can't spend too long writing.  I have been away from this scene since February - almost a year ago.  Gone was the ugly reality of having to get up before th
January 03, 2011
I have made some changes in my life.  I've, in a very strong sense, picked up where I left off when I left this old camper.  I went to church yesterday and I've gotten a lot of "Congratulations for your New Year's Resolutions!" I appreciate the sentiments, but none of these are New Year's Resolutions.  I made plans and carried them out...and it happened to be at the first of the year.  I had no thoughts whatsoever about New Year's Resolutions.  Why? Very basica
December 30, 2010
I had a fast Internet connection.  Food wasn't a problem at all.  The shower was nice and hot.  There was a washer and dryer right there.  I moved there in April in hopes that I would be able to put all my time into Internet marketing and come out of there with a nice car to drive home in.  I would be making all my income on the Internet and would never have to worry about working for a company ever again!  I had great dreams and visions - my house would be a gleami
I keep a Journal.  I have for many many years.  My written Journal begins in the Autumn of 1973.  My audio recorded Journal (now incorporated into the written) began Christmas Day 1972. By Christmas 1973, I had begun writing, and wrote my first "book," In Search of the Past, a science fiction featuring how I viewed life as a teen in those days mixed with some Planet of the Apes.  By this time I had several tape recordings and learned how to record my favorite things
December 20, 2010
I said I would not be posting anything on this blog because I've gotten into trouble with it several times now.  But, this warrants everyone's attention.  I am not an English teacher by any means, but there are a few errors a LOT of people make in their writing...and I'm sure you've seen these before.  Of course, these errors are committed not just here in WA, but everywhere.  I'm not trying to shake a stick at the small stuff here, but errors like these make otherwise great