Posts by Daniel Euergetes 185
I had been on a blog today which was all about "I Hate My Job!" I responded with a post.  If it helps anyone here, then I've accomplished my reasoning for putting the post here as well.  Enjoy... This is certainly a big problem worldwide and you've hit the nail on the head! Here in the United States about 79% of everyone in the workforce are disengaged with their jobs. I've written an entire book about this problem and things you can do about it! 1. Find out where your
 I'm so PEEVED right now! I awoke this morning.  The lovely day starts...the birds are singing...the sky is blue.  Temperature is just right.  I feel good, refreshed...ready to put in a productive day with my $1 Trial Campaign. Wow! Even my Internet connection is working well!  I'm in 7th heaven right now!  I usually have a lot of trouble with my connection in the mornings... Hmmm... Here comes my landlord making a bee-line to my door.  What does he want so ea
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Today I reach a mile-marker worth writing about! My Goal Leverage off the extra hours I get from my job.  Take the income from this extra time over and above the regular four hours I give my employer every day and put it in a kitty. The goal is raising $359.88 to submit in exchange for a yearly Membership here at Wealthy Affiliate University. I'm Now Half Way There! I counted up my money in the kitty.  I now have $180 plus a little change.  That's just over half way! YES! My purpo
Beware, this is going to be a lengthy post (how predictable), but this should help people get up the incentive to move along with their campaigns here and realize their week-long weekends!  It's long, so skip and skim if you feel the need.  This occurred last year.  It is actually a chapter in my book but I don't know that I'm going to keep it in there.  It might be a little disturbing to some. It's food for thought when you come down to all the reasons why it behooves everyb
 Please refer to "Uh oh!  My Boss Finds My About Me Page!" for more information about what is written here.  This post is a response to the several comments I've gotten on that blog post.  @Reid1:  Fortunately, in my case, that's four good hours unless there are more cars to wash, etc.  It's one reason this job is suitable for me...I use the rest of my time fixing all the problems that have piled up on me.  Unfortunately, for my employer, the Page I
Oil and Water... Everything was going pretty well at my job yesterday...that is...until I opened a can of worms... I showed my boss' wife my Yabba-Dabba-Dooo website.  The intent was to show her my work in building a "side" income. ...a "side" income to them...but of course, that comes with intent not for them to know. For the most part, the employee and the employer are two completely different camps.  In many ways, though the business relationship they are, they a
February 09, 2011
I rarely, if ever written more than one post per week here, but today, at work, and what I experienced warrants it.  Employment is not only a means to being able to stay in a Membership like's an incentive to work harder and more disciplinary than replace that income with far more lucrative means! Seen But Not Heard This was the gist of my post earlier this morning.  I've had this problem all my a child, through school, at church, just about wherever I've
February 08, 2011
I'm posting this because I'm a bit down today.  I"m seeing outcomes of my efforts which are undesired. I'm not sure if it's how I'm writing or what I'm writing.  The best I can say about it is I'm being myself and not pretending to be anybody else.  I guess that is not always viable. The same thing I'm seeing here, I'm seeing everywhere.  It matters greatly to me because this is severely interfering with my ability to make money online...or virtually anywhere. The Milli
February 03, 2011
No.  This is not a mental illness.  However, it does cause conflict in life for those who have it.  How do you know you have it? Do you watch the clock when you are at work? Do you find yourself waking up all night looking at the alarm clock to see how much sleep you have left? Do you dread your job? Do you find yourself cramming just as much possible into your "off" time that you can? Does the thought about your job cause anxiety? Do you find yourself in a compromised
So now I'm in a job.  Not to be negative here, there are things that come with a job that are most undesirable.  One thing, of course, is that it gobbles up time.  It is not the best use of time by any means, except that employment is expedient sometimes.  In all of the uncertainty of my new job came the problem of trying to get a payment into Wealthy Affiliate.  It went so far as having canceled on me.  But I was able to resubscribe.  Whew! I am psychologicall