Posts by Daniel Euergetes 185
I looked high and lo...and have been trying to find a theme with a style and look similar to Wealthy Affiliate's look.  There are two reasons I really like the lay-out and the look of the site It is a business I really believe in and that I treasure as one that has made a HUGE difference! Yesterday I was trying to find a new theme for  Wow, most of the free themes are rubbish, to say the least!  There are only about four or five themes in t
Under normal circumstances, yes, this is not a hard task.  I've done it several times and there is no big deal about it...unless you've opened an account with Yahoo Small Business! The Backdrop of This Story... In 2004, this was one of the leading hosting companies.  It was endorsed by AOL, and at that time, I had never heard of GoDaddy or HostGator.  Not sure if they even existed then.  It had a good rap and people loved it. In 2007 I met John, my landlord and best friend.&
This is a success story.  No, I'm not making any sales yet but I am discovering and implementing new things I've learned in the last year.  Much of this learning began as a result of being in this Membership and having connected with the right people, including Dr. John Benitez, hypnotherapist.  This is my story today... Thanks Again WA Membership! Again, I want to thank WA for the wonderful support from the Membership.  I do have special needs and am missing vital compone
In 1959 one of many acorns dropped from the ancient oak trees along an old hay field.  From them came saplings, all but a very few mowed down very soon afterwards...spared by a stone wall that was formed by the farmer's great grandfather who cleared the field in the dawn of the 19th century. One slender sapling survived at the edge of the field and began to grow quickly and straight towards heaven. The old farmer came along and repurposed the field to be a cow pasture.  It was necessar
First, before I go any further, I want to cordially thank D. Baily, Jat Debune, Labman, and others who offer the kind of support I need as I write in this blog.  One thing I do know is that I am sitting on a gold mine but not all the tools to do the digging.  I tried to acquire the tools I need to market the Birthday Promotion but all that went up in smoke (along with my ability to return to my home in Florida due to being shafted on a remodel job I have nearly completed.)  Can an
Awoke...once again to another day... 1.  I Don't See Myself as a Success There's where it starts!  I have never been able to put my hand on my heart and declare that I am not only an Internet marketer...but a successful one. 2.  Completely Unstable I have not been riding any waves.  I've been thrown around by the waves wherever they come and go. 3.  There are some very important aspects about social status that can't be ignored: All developed countries have what is know
I have been remodeling my sister's house and tonight she searched eBay using the word "couch."  Yes, a new living room set is in store... Today I had a break from working on it and went digging an 1890s dump with Larry, for old bottles...Larry, my brother, puts his bottles on eBay... When Kathy, my sister did her search for the new couch, she noticed something weird... Why would there be a listing for an old bottle in "couch?" Larry just happened to stop by and show us t
I'm not talking home improvement here. I'm talking websites. Yes...left to themselves (especially WP blogs) they can resemble some of the worst apartment buildings and houses in ghetto areas.  I know.  I've seen it happen to one of my blogs. Today it is slated for demolition. It will be a vacant lot for awhile, but no more squatters will inhabit it. No more vile rubbish will come from it. I've not kept up with the updates and it became a haven for some of the worst people out of Asia a
This is some of the stuff I write about, so it is in line with one of my campaigns.  For any of you who has suffered from cancer or know people who has (most of us) this movie if for you!  It has been online for two days now and today is the last day.  It will be going on sale in food stores all over the country. It is a full length documentary but is history in the making! The following link will only be good for today (June 13) and it comes down at midnight.  I wish I had f
I found fragments of the following email on an old floppy disk from when I first discovered Internet marketing.  It was a great find!  I had lost this subscription when I lost my home at the end of 2004.  The floppies deteriorated but using data recovery, I extracted enough information on them to find this site still online and resubscribe last week.  I make it a part of my day to stop what I'm doing and put my focus for a short time each day on this and another subscription