Posts by Daniel Euergetes 185
01-02-12_On Persistence.  I Begin My Day... A Dream I Had This Morning...   I found myself in a small apartment behind the home of some militant folks.  They were always active and stayed away from the bad things in our environment.  This meant cell phones, plastics, most of the food in the grocery stores and some other thing I can't remember.   I was afraid to go outside and intermigle with them.  They were very quick, of tremendous physical strength and stamina...
January 08, 2012
One of the greatest achievements for the employee-minded is being truly proactive.  I say this, not to single out an entire group of people but individuals in it.  Far too often, people who have been in the job force for any length of time, develop what is known as "employee mentality." Though to be proactive on the job is encouraged, this is more so in higher-paying jobs than in the lower, where, for example, most non- (or minimally-) skilled positions, where employees are r
A Journal entry marks the beginning of my book.  By this time I had learned a whole new mindset apart from the counter-culture one I had embraced most of my life.   Here begins that portion found in the foreword of the book...  I knew, by this point, that I was really onto something and that I had a message for the world. ?Helping You Rise Above Mediocrity? would become my motto. I began contemplating the writing of a book. In my personal Journal I wrote the following entry..
The one post I had written in Blogger (and is still just the one post) was the result of being fired-up over things that, at the time, came together insofar as hidden aspects of what we know as Western consumerism. Though, since the time I had written this, I've learned much more and my views about money and wealth has also changed.    It was extremely exciting for me to publish something on the Internet.  Other than a blurb on and being on the AOL chatter (very short
Dedication To All Individuals Who Want the Most Life Can Offer But Are Trapped in Jobs that Restrict the Door to True Personal Freedom May this Book Be Your Guide to Creative Transition   During a visit with my family for a two-week period in August 2009, one of the nights, I had stayed in the home of my younger brother.  I was up at the crack of dawn with him.  He was getting ready for another day changing truck tires for a fast-paced and well-established tire shop in Holyoke, Ma
Most of us here are trying to work around jobs to work on our Internet marketing training.  I'm not one of those, but that is imminent.  Albeit, I've done some extensive studies on this employment thing.  This study has been going on for almost five years.  I've neglected over the last year and it's time to revive it. Centering our lives around our jobs cuts into all other aspects of our lives.  This is well-known to people such as those of us who are in a place like thi
I think it's time to do this.  I've been contemplating it for some time now.  I realize this might not be the best thing to do right now, but I really wonder if it's worth it to keep it. Many will say, "But everyone has one...why would you want to do that?" It compromises your personal privacy. For me, it is a place with bad memories with my family and it simply is not a friendly place for me. eMail does everything Facebook does for me I want to start a completely different
A silence has fallen everywhere.  My landlord wants to be left alone today.  It is dark in his house.  He's not feeling very well. I broke the news to him about our website and the fact that the niche we are in is not a very hot one.  We have yet to discuss what we are going to do with it.  I'm not sure but it's four years down the tube.  The post-holiday has arrived and it's back to business. A cold wave has come through Florida.  It is a Canadian air mass tha
January 1, 2010 was an exciting time for me!  I became a member at about 9:00 in the morning on that day. Since then it has been quite a bumpy ride!  I learn slow and conditions have been less than favorable for me...albeit, I've at least made it into my third year!  Hope this isn't short-lived!  
Today I've been struggling to keep my WA membership.  Tomorrow (or tonight) at midnight, my membership officially goes nil.  I realize there is a grace period.  I've been through this before.  So I will still be here for a few days and hopefully come up with the rest of my subscription. Ironically, I've been to Jay's WAbinar last evening.  Of course, I missed the live event because I'm out there trying to come up with my funding, I did view the recording.  Following