Posts by Daniel Euergetes 185
Positivism VS Being Positive I have found that "positivism" as I have been using the term is erroneous and a new term needs to be found, where positivism is far more to be deemed as scientific or empirical thinking...something indeed opposite of what kind of thinking I have been referring to...based on thinking so positive about something circumstantial as willing or manifesting a parking spot available before even reaching the place. I find this, indeed something that I cannot explai
Piles of Projects!! Aaagh! Are you one of those people who start projects and do not complete them?  I am.  I know it too well because I have a mountain of them right now!  There's nothing worse in the line of achievement than to have a bunch of half-finished things cluttering up the workstation, living space and mind. This certainly goes hand-in-hand with yesterday's post...the ability to be disciplined. I'm literally buried in the things I've started and only with patience can I
There is one pressing issue that I have (and I believe a good many people in the US have) and that's lack of discipline.  I know it.  I know what discipline is and that it is something to be eschewed.  I have a mountain of things that are undone because I have lacked the discipline to get them done and over with. Sometimes I put the things I hate doing first on my list because I simply hate doing them and they need to be done.  Of course, this isn't true with my campaigns, th
It might not be so much of a good idea to even look at email in the morning!  Getting an email from Sharon has cost close to three hours of my morning, causing me to begin my priority work in the early afternoon!  I was also shocked to see what time it was when I actually got up.  I lost the entire morning! I did most of my work but not all of it.  Some things wind up not getting done.  I did not have what I needed to glue together the piping for hot water.  Not all
There is great wisdom in doing the high-priority items first in the morning. Employers know this and thus have employees come in, sometimes as early as 6:00 am, but usually 7:00am.  They know how to leverage the best of people, and for good reason.  It's when they are fully rested and psychologically so as well. Speaking of psychology, unless there is something major, serious or on-going, the morning means a new day and the day's toils have not yet taken toll in terms of energy and rea
Gone will be the very long posts I was writing here.  Instead I will be putting very short snippets from my books and other writings I feel would be of benefit to other members.  The posting will be done in the evenings from now on.  Mornings will be used on my campaigns per Marcus' advice.  Jay will get up and see the work has been done on a day-to-day basis and I will complete my campaign more rapidly and with a ready mind.  I will not be bogged down by the day's conce
One of the most outstanding comments I've gotten from my Forum thread, "Did I Write Something Uncouth...Nobody Responding" was that perhaps I'm not reading the message the right way.  Time, the Blog here taking a back seat to the chat engine, my posts too long, and even my moving avatar being annoying to at least one person. I removed the avatar and left nothing in place on the Forum.  I don't think there needs to be an avatar there anyway.  The critiques I've gotten are
I'm getting really peeved about some things here!  It's getting so bad its making me sick.  The self-development industry seems to be extremely popular. Look at the rubbish I've just found in one of my emails from Brenden Burchard (sp.)  I had NO idea we'd be crushed with so many signups so fast. Yeah...tell me another, I just got off the phone with...and I could not stumble over myself quickly enough to bring you these tremendous savings! Pick your destiny right now..
One thing I notice very quickly (but have indeed noticed for some time) is seeing some of the heavy hitters posting something in the Forum or here in the Blogs.  I've even found this to be so with the chat engines as well.  I have been trying to be helpful in this Membership in some of the areas I do know about and see as problems others are having.  However, very few...if any are leaving replies, let alone reading them.  I'm sure this has a lot to do with credibility. Some p
I live in a small camper.  There was a time when I lived in a large apartment, but those days are gone.   I'm hopeful Internet marketing will bring about a renaissance in my life.  So far it hasn't, but I'm working at it. Albeit, this bit is about order and organization...a single aspect of it, to be a matter of fact. Why should I mention my camper?  For a number of years now, I've had to pare down what I own as I wound up going from one smaller, less significant living space