Do You Love What You Do?

Last Update: May 08, 2012

I rarely watch tv. 

Any spare time I have, I'm usually glued to my computer screen (learning/working) or I have my face in a book - the good ol' fashion kind with pages made of real paper. ;) 

I've read 100's of biographies, self-help, motivational, inspirational, law-of-attraction, business books etc. 

A common theme I come across over and over again is - Anyone who has created financial success is financially successful because they LOVE what they do!


I'll be honest.

When I first started taking an interest in IM it was because I thought I was going to make a fast buck.  The "guru products" promised wealth with just a few clicks of a button.

I've come to realize an online business takes time, work, persistence and determination. I've also come to realize I love what I'm doing!  I get absorbed in my tasks and hours slip by like minutes. 

Does internet marketing do that for you?

I'm not exactly sure where all this is going to lead but I feel it's going to be something fabulous.  I'll be able to apply all these IM skills to something that gives me that exciting feeling of contribution and fulfilment.  I'm already absorbed in my daily tasks and I'm looking forward to so much more.

I hope all of you are having as much fun as I am learning and implementing all this great information offer here at WA. 

Follow your heart and follow your dreams!


"Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing,
You will be successful."
- Albert Schweitzer

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Frankly, I feel I am not working in the right direction. I am in a job and feel that I should have by now earned more and acquired better position, status and preferably developed my own enterprise. I also remain glued to my computer screen for hours together in searching whats better for me. There are hundreds of opportunities seen everyday but that adds to my confusion rather than giving me a proper direction. I have already crossed 50 years of my age and now I am left over no time to improve myself. I need to have immediate solutions. Can you suggest me a better way out?
Deezdz Premium
50 is the new 30! You still have plenty of time to make changes. Just as you pointed out, there are endless opportunities out there which can sometimes add to the confusion when you're trying to find your way....but what I try to focus on is following my heart and doing the things I enjoy. Also, in life, I not sure if there are any "immediate solutions."... be kind and patient with yourself.
smokeywins Premium
So very true. Well said :-)
Deezdz Premium
Thanks Jennifer...and hope all is going well for you at your job...I've thought of you often after your post.
kyle Premium Plus
By all means, this is the BEST approach. Carson and I happen to love helping others within the Internet Business niche, but that doesn't mean it is the best way for someone else to earn a living.

Don't chase what other people are doing and definitely do not chase MONEY.

Chase a passion, the success will follow. :)
Deezdz Premium
When you first start out in IM, is it wrong not to know exactly what your passion is?

I mean, I know I love learning this business and am thoroughly enjoying the process, but I'm applying what I'm learning to many different niches/products. I feel I'm following my heart learning the steps needed to create an online business, yet I haven't "pegged" down the exact passion that I really want to focus in on.

Were you and Carson IM'ing a long time before you found your passion to help others in this industry?
kyle Premium Plus
Took us 3 years before we started Wealthy Affiliate, our passions became Internet Business and we took the approach that if we could help people learn what we had learned in the prior 3 years and had become successful doing so, it would be very rewarding.

Here we are 7 years later. Your passion can and will evolve. What you start out with now may not be what you are involved with a year or two from now and that is OK. Do what interests you...that is the awesome thing about the Internet. It allows for this!
Deezdz Premium
Thank you Kyle...I love that "Your passion can and will evolve:. Your response is reassuring. :)
kyle Premium Plus
Nothing is ever set in stone. Always be willing to change and evolve, it will make your life within the Internet world a much easier one as there are transitions that take place much more frequently. ;)
Kim vH Premium Plus
Yes, nicely put!
Deezdz Premium
Thanks Kim.
BIS Premium
Well said Dee!
Deezdz Premium
thanks Beverley ;)