QOTD - What To Use For Image Storage?

Last Update: July 27, 2012
Hello...Happy Friday Everyone! =)

The pics/images I use for all my websites are stored on my computer.

I'm searching for an online storage solution which is reliable and preferably free.

I'm curious to know what WA members are using for image storage and the pro's/con's of storing images online?

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georgejhaas Premium
QOTD, Do you have a security program for your computer? Most of these security programs allow for backups of files. You could store your images on your C:/ drive and then back it up using the security backup program. Check with your service center for Norton or other program you may have on your computer. I have Norton and they have a program for backing up my files in case of a virus or any other type of security breach as no extra charge it is part of my annual fee. I do not know of a free backup online site. Even if there was, I would not trust it, because they can stop it at anytime without notification to you. So be careful of using such places unless you can trust them completely.
Carson Premium Plus
Deezdz Premium
I'm guessing that's a paid service?
Deezdz Premium
...the Amazon S3 I mean...is that a paid service?

That brings up another issue. If you create an authority site which is loaded with images (like photographer for eg) loading time is a big concern along with reliability.

It's a little annoying when I'm browsing a site and see that stupid little box (no image available) where an image should be displayed!
Carson Premium Plus
Deezdz Premium
I'll go check it out...thanks Carson.
Deezdz Premium
Thanks guys....great info!

Hope this isn't a silly question but when you use DropBox or Google Drive, do you still make a back up of all your images on your hard drive?
Apina Premium
I concur with Dropbox, 2gb for free. One other alternative is Google Drive, 5gb and you can upload files as well as write docs etc (its the new Google Docs)
Deezdz Premium
Are you using Google Drive or know of anyone who is?
magistudio Premium Plus
I am using google drive and think it is awesome! No extra passwords or login I need to remember as it ties in seamlessly with my google account.
Apina Premium
I am using it yeah, its very useful you can even share documents, images etc with other people
@RICH. Premium
Ha. The seal of approval from Dean. I must get my nails buffed! I have a downer on GoogleDrive. I don't trust them to keep the service running. I was an avid PhotoVine user, with a LOT of followers. Google terminated it. I purchased and am a fan of SparrowMail. Google acquired it last week and promptly announced they're ceasing development of it. I.... could go on.... but..... I'm sure you get the idea. I've used dropbox for years, nary a problem. However, as always, YMMV.
Labman_1 Premium
Yes I am using it, so far, I like what I see.
@RICH. Premium
Hey Dee. I'm a noob at WA but have some tech. experience outside. I've tried a lot of online and cloud storage systems, and would unreservedly recommend dropbox, www.dropbox.com, best of all, it's free!
Deezdz Premium
Yes, when I did a quick search online, dropbox sounds like a winner. Is dropbox strictly for storage or is it for sharing also...like Flickr?
@RICH. Premium
You can share files, folders, etc. There are also a lot of third party apps that can utilise it. For example, BackupBuddy can make automatic copies of your WP sites to it.
I would also agree about Dropbox. I have used it to share photos and send zip folders. You can upload your zip folder (containing whatever) and Dropbox will generate a download link for you that you can email to someone. Nice.