QOTD - To Page or To Post?

Last Update: May 31, 2012
Hi everyone,

On my sites, I've created the main pages which show up in the menu. Main Page, Blog, Contact Me, Privacy etc. All the rest of my content I've categorised as posts under my blog page. With all the discussions about authority sites with 100+ pages it has me questioning if I'm doing this right....

I hope this isn't a silly question but are there any steadfast rules as to whether I should include an article on my site as a page or a post?

Thanks ~ dee

"The greatest things ever done on Earth have been done little by little."
- William Jennings Bryan
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Deezdz Premium
Ok...thank you very much everyone!

I guess when I heard authority sites with 100+ pages I thought I may have to include more 'pages' on my site/s. I was also curious if pages ranked faster/or better than posts, but by the sounds of everyone's advice, that's not the case.

Thank you Jon, Christian, Craig and Beverley. I really appreciate your help :)
BIS Premium
Hi Dee

I'm with Christian. I only use pages for things like privacy policy, about me etc or for a landing page (which doesn't appear in the menu) and the rest of the time I use posts because I like the categories and I have a lot of them.

Fanciadance Premium
Yes I am in agreement with jchilders however, I also think that as long as you are placing quality, original, informative content on your web pages that has a linking structure that both spiders and human visitors can navigate with ease then you should not worry too much about whether to create pages or posts.

The old saying "Content is King" still rings true! Anyway. send me a link to you website and let me take a look.


Sielke Premium
Not stupid an honestly doesn't matter to anyone but you and how you want to organize your site content. The biggest difference is posts you can have categories. Other than that doesn't matter. I use pages for top level things like home, about, contact, terms, privacy, etc.. posts for everything else all separated into nice categories, thats my personal preference.
jchilders Premium
I've always thought you used pages for more in-depth writing/discussion topics (main keywords) and posts are for the secondary keywords that funnel traffic to your main pages.

For example, you have your product review as a page. You then write posts on related topics that point to the page.

Sielke Premium
this is a method, but sounds like you overthink it, if you're going to have more than one review its best to do posts under a category (and if you're going for an authority site I'm sure you have more than one) it keeps things organized for you and the reader who can click your top level "Review" menu item and see all your reviews.
Sielke Premium
this is a method, but sounds like you overthink it, if you're going to have more than one review its best to do posts under a category (and if you're going for an authority site I'm sure you have more than one) it keeps things organized for you and the reader who can click your top level "Review" menu item and see all your reviews.