QOTD - Pro's/Con's of Hosting at WA?

Last Update: July 17, 2012
Hi there :)

I'm at the point where I'd like to build an authority site that really incorporates my interests and creativeness. I'm trying to decide where to host it.

I have an unlimited pre-paid account at JustHost for the next 3 years and all my sites are hosted there.

My question today is what are the pro's/con's of hosting here at WA?

For simplicity sake, I've always thought keeping all my hosting in one place was smart. Just curious what others members are doing... I would really appreciate some feed back from members hosting here at WA.

Thanks so much,

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.”
Les Brown

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mama2karsten Premium
It depends on your needs... I have a site here at WA... I also have several with Network Solutions... Then I have some at Wix as well. If you are doing local... I go with NS... they they have a special to build your website free, SEO it and put you in all the local directories for $76 per month which includes updates to your site etc. They have Wordpress as well as HTML sites. And they have great marketing info there. They also have a mobile sites to tie add on for $3.85 per mo. Mobile is very big... especially mobile apps, but having a mobile presence is very important. Wix is probably the fastest easiest web builder ever plus you have total control of placement with your elements so you can have a fresh looking site instead of cookie cutter templates. You can build flash sites as well as HTML5. The builder also converts your website to mobile or you can build it from scratch. Some sites I started with a template then modified because of the flexibility of placement of pictures, text boxes, importing your backgrounds, good font selection, sizing and color of fonts. They also have slide shows and galleries you can add to make it more interesting.
Deezdz Premium
I've also used Wix to host and build websites for local businesses. I agree, it's a great service for someone who needs a nice looking site but doesn't want to get into wordpress/html/coding etc. Most of the businesses I've helped can even update the site without my help.

As for Network Solutions I appreciate the input....$76/mnth is a bit more than I'm will to pay for hosting though. With membership costs, hosting costs, domains etc....at this point, I'm trying to keep my costs minimal. ;)
mama2karsten Premium
I think you mis-understood me... Here for local clients, I am actually outsourcing to NS to do everything (Domain registry, Build site, SEO, monthly updates, hosting, online marketing with Google, google places, bing,twitter,merchant circle,google mobile, FB,foursquare,YP.com,Yahoo,citysearch and more... all for $76 per mo for 1yr.) I charge the client $479 per mo. I have 4 clients I have done this with and they are happy so far. I have done their other media for years... so it was just an add-on as I felt they needed online presence. I did not feel it was a good use of my time to build a custom site in dreamweaver... I am trying to get away from doing it all myself as I try to head another direction. Good luck and all the best to you.
Deezdz Premium
Oh,..I did misunderstand and thanks for clarifying. I briefly thought, what kind of crap hosting am I paying for at $4/mnth if others are paying $76????...lol
fishing Premium
Hello Dee how goes the battle neighbour?? I have one site at host gator and the rest here at WA, of course the bennfit of hosting here is you are already here and it is included with membership...makes sense....I think this way...

.but at the same time I have had more problems here getting at my sites than host gator....although they have been taken care of within 24 hrs. so no real complaint...

If one host goes down (it happens) you still have sites up and running...

paying for an extra host when you really do not have to...

.then of course if you leave WA and have all your sites hosted here...better be good at transfering them, but is very doalble....

.Half of one six of the other...I really dont think it make no real difference one way is cheaper than the other but they both have their merrits....I know thats no help....just thinking outloud...:)
Deezdz Premium
The battle goes my friend ;)

This is a big help Tim! Although I have no intention of leaving WA, I'm clueless when it comes to FTP or transferring a site.

As for dollars and cents, both are paid for, so choosing one over the other will not save me any money.

My big concern is reliability, access and support.

I've never had any problems over at JustHost but have heard of a few glitches here at WA.

I did hear somewhere that hosting everything in one place can even effect rankings? Not sure how true that is or even why it would be true??.... now I'm just thinking out loud....

thanks for chiming in neighbour!
anindochk Premium
I have pondered over this quite a number of times. But eventually came down to hosting here. This is because, I know for sure, i will make lots if i stay here. After that Hosting amount should be minimal. :)
Deezdz Premium
Ya...I'm still pondering.
Have you come across any glitches while hosting here?
anindochk Premium
Actually no. The service here is top notch. No problems whatsoever. It is just a good experience being here and learning everyday. So I thought of getting it done here! :)
Deezdz Premium
Thanks Anindo! :)
Renni Premium
Hi Dee! First I have to say I love the quote at the end of this post. It's so true of many people I know (not me of course).

I had the same thought about hosting recently because I am thinking about making one of my sites an ecommerce site. I was told that WA hosting is not the best for that and found out that Hostgator is what others use for more complicated sites. I, like you, like all my sites in one location, but now realize that it depends on what the site is for and how complicated you want to get with it.
Just my take...
Deezdz Premium
Not me either ;) .... I wish that was true 100% of time...lol.

So if I eventually added a "store" it may be best to stick with JustHost?
Confusing... I think the support here at WA would far exceed JustHost but I'm not sure what to do.

Talk soon...I still have to get back to your pm!
Renni Premium
You can still have a site outside of WA and get help with it here. People here are just That Helpful!

I have only experienced rare and short bursts of outage here and never felt it affected anything. Of course I don't get 100,000 visitors in any given hour. I also don't think that hosting multiple sites with one hosting provider affects rankings...that just doesn't make sense to me....but I could be wrong...(it happens! lol )

If JustHost can support all you want to do, I say go for it. When I build my ecommerce site, I will still have multiple blog sites hosted here so it's not like I'd feel like a traitor or anything. I think there are limitations to the WordPress blogs such as no www. which is more official...at least that's kinda what I've heard. Authority sites are probably better off hosted elsewhere.

If I am wrong, Kyle or Carson will let us know and I do not profess to be an expert by any stretch of the imagination.

Stay well, my friend. No rush on the pm reply. I know where to find you! :)
jchilders Premium
Kind of depends on the situation...

WA Hosting -

+ Hosting here at WA is included in the cost.
+ WA hosting optimized for WP sites
- If you cancel your membership, you have to move all your sites.
- If you sell sites, you have to move them to other hosting

Spreading your sites to different hosts means less chance of ALL your sites going down due to a server/DNS/router issue
Deezdz Premium
Ok thanks Jon.

Do you host any of your sites here at WA?

I think maybe I'm a little leery due to passing comments which I've seen in chat.

Eg. "Can't access my site" or "my site is down".....I'm not sure if it's due to WA hosting being down or inexperience on the part of the member building the site.
jchilders Premium
I haven't had any problems with the hosting here..but maybe I've just been lucky. *shrug*
I am only actively working with 2 sites right now, one here and one elsewhere.
Deezdz Premium
This is helpful in making my decision. I appreciate your input.