Look Forward To Coming Back

Last Update: June 26, 2012
Hello Everyone,

I've been missing in action for a few weeks now as I've been dealing with an illness within the family and other personal matters.

Seeing how precious life is and how things can change in a heartbeat has given me some time to reflect on my life. Time to think about what is important to me and how I can live my life doing the things that make me happy and feed my soul.

I want to come back to WA with a fresh perspective on internet marketing and making a living on line. I'm looking forward to it.... and looking forward to interacting with all of you again.

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Deezdz Premium
Thank you all very much!!!!!! I really look forward to being able to spend more time here at WA and "chat" it up with you all again!
Shawn Martin Premium
Hi Dee, I hope all is well and welcome back!
buddyboy Premium
Hi Dee, hope it all worked out for the best for you and your family. Welcome back friend.
veronica.l Premium
Hope you are doing ok Dee. Come chat with us soon again.
jatdebeaune Premium
Hope all is okay Dee. Illness can sure change your perspective.