Encouraged To Contribute!

Last Update: January 06, 2012

Hello everyone..what a beautiful day!

Yesterday I was so excited ... earned my first CB sale of 2012!   I've been a member here for about 36 days and this was my  first sale using all the methods taught here at WA.

I posted in the forum - short and sweet.

Many of you responded back with your warm encouragement and congratulations...thank-you!

Raj responded back saying  -  it may be helpful to other newbies to share the methods I used to generate this sale.

Being a newbie, I figured I was going to be asking all you "experienced marketers" 1 billion questions... and then and only then will I be able to contribute back to the newcomers.

I'm starting to see this is not true. 

Even with my limited experience, I may have one peice of advice or nugget of information that may help someone out... and helping is the best feeling of all!




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Praise Premium
One of the tricks to increasing your ability to learn is to teach it to someone else.
Teaching forces you to fully grasp the topic so you can clearly explain, show, demonstrate it to someone else. That's why the WA Open Education Project will exponentially help the trainers as well as the students.
Deezdz Premium
I agree... I'm excited about the OEP and think it's going to be a great tool for everyone involved.
Louise M. Premium
congrats on that! I totally agree with what you say, we all have stuff to teach and learn because even if we learn from common sources, we all have a unique experience of IM, an experience worth sharing!
Rubberbandman Premium
Big hand clap...job well done
Deezdz Premium
Thank you rubberbandman.
mhamilt Premium
Congratulations on your sale! WA needs more people like you who actually understand the contribution idea!
Deezdz Premium
Thank you mhamilt... I'm trying. :) It will be nice when I "know my suff" and really feel I can help.
Jave27 Premium
Hey, great to hear you are making some sales! Congrats!
Deezdz Premium
Thanks Jave27!
I'm so excited!!!