Holy Grail Of IM - Interview

Last Update: December 22, 2011

Hi Everyone!...my first blog post... :)

Today I was feeling discouraged with my IM efforts and even cried the blues to Kyle and Dean this morning in live chat ...thanks for your reassurance guys!

This evening I came upon this interview with Tony Robbins, Frank Kerns and John Reese...the Holy Grail Of IM Mindset.  In my opinion, learning the technical aspects of marketing online is important, but more importantly is believing these aspects will produce results. 

How many people start this IM journey and give up because they just can't visualize future success?

I believe mindset is so important if you truly want to succeed.

To all of you IM's who could use a little encouragement, I've included the interview link below.

.......we are no different than these guys.... and we can succeed if we believe we can!




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Louise M. Premium
so true!! indeed having a positive mindset helps a lot. applying the law of attraction works! :D you only attract what you create. positive thoughts create positive events. I'm always happy about a sale before I make one. and then I make one. ;D
Deezdz Premium
That's a fantastic attitude!!!!
Apina Premium
Hehe I got a mention (in the blog post not the video lol) I'll check this out Dee, thanks for the link. It's easy to get discouraged in this game, really need to have a strong will and desire to succeed.
Deezdz Premium
Hey Dean - when you're a huge internet super star Tony Robbins will come knock'n on your door for an interview...lol. I agree, it is easy to get discouraged and every little tid bit of inspiration helps.
CuriousGirl Premium
Thank Dee!
Deezdz Premium
You're welcome...thanks for dropping by CuriousGirl! :)
Great boost for me, Dee, thanks!
Deezdz Premium
I'm glad.... we could all use a little boost sometimes.
Hussien Premium
This was really good, thanks for sharing :)
Deezdz Premium
Thanks Hussien - it's for all the newbies who could use a little encouragement to make it big!...lol...hope you had a great holiday! ttyl :)