IM & Business Gratitude

Last Update: April 17, 2012

Yesterday I attended Oprah's Life Class at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre featuring Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Iyanla Vanzant and Bishop T.D. Jakes.

I know many of you 'testosterone driven males' will roll your eyeballs at the mere mention of Oprah =)

Before you hit the "back" button... the theme of the show was GRATITUDE, which as Tony Robbins pointed out, can really make or break your business.

How can you invite anything new into your life if you're not appreciating what you already have?

For me, appreciating and being grateful for my great health, my wonderful family and friends, my home and gardens, my hobbies and interests IS EASY. It's easy to be thankful when things are going smoothly.

However, when it comes to building my IM business, I often forget to be grateful. Instead I focus on what I'm not doing correctly, and if I'm honest, I've had days where I have beat up on myself pretty good.

I'm not writing enough articles
I'm not socializing enough
Why is this not producing the results I want?
I'm not learning things fast enough
My campaigns are not converting
My websites are not ranking
Why aren't things developing as quickly as I would like?
Why only 3 sales in an entire month?

... and I could go on and on but I'll spare you the details!

During yesterdays show, I realized all I do have to be grateful for in building my IM business. I have learned SO MUCH this past year!

I'm grateful for-

Learning how to set up a wordpress site
Improving my writing skills
Learning SEO skills
Learning to add value rather than chasing the almighty dollar
Kyle and Carson for creating WA and always being accessible
IM terminology and lingo
I'm grateful for the help so many of you have offered me!
...and yes....I'm grateful for my 3 sales / month!!

My question to you is - What are you grateful for in building your business?

Rather than focus on whats not working, how hard this is, why is it taking so long, or any other thoughts you use to deter yourself, take a moment to be grateful for everything you've learned and accomplished up until now. It put a smile on my face and I hope it does the same for you!

Keep in mind- What You Focus On Expands!

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Jamie Smith Premium
I thought of you last night Dee, so glad you had a blast during the event! I taped it on the satellite and enjoyed the program after my workout session. I am truly thankful for the WA family worldwide.
Deezdz Premium
I'm truly thankful for the WA family too!
kyle Premium Plus
I think this is also a case of knowing much more than you realize that you know. Self accomplishments are likely much more vast if you sit down and take a second to look at what you have done.

Believe it or not, I feel as though I have not accomplished things at times, I go through the same frustration and the only thing that breaks this frustration is coming to the realization of exactly what you have accomplished.

Not everything is financial and if only financial accomplishments count, then you are never going to be grateful or have gratituide towards your situation because nothing will ever be good enough.

A timely post for everyone because well, the information within it is timeless.
Deezdz Premium
Thanks Kyle...and I agree. I know much more than I realized and I'm grateful for all I have learned and accomplished and am looking forward to so much more.

What makes life fun and interesting is wanting to create and accomplish more regardless of how successful you've become. There will always be new endeavours, new dreams ...the desire to create is never ending.

The key to success and happiness is not money, its gratitude, living authentically and being true to yourself...
kyle Premium Plus
People make assumptions on what people that "accomplish" the success they have desired sought after to achieve that success. It typically has very little to do with money, rather more to do with creating something and seeing their idea come to fruition and succeed.

I know that Carson and I enjoy the creation part the most. You will never be happy if you money is the root of all your activities because the MONEY BAR will always move higher. It is illusive. Non monetary accomplishments are far more exciting.

When this approach is taken, the money will naturally follow.
Hey Dee. What you are saying so resonates with my own experience. Some days when I am really frustrated I have to think back to less than a year ago. How insurmountable somethings seemed then and how simple know.

It does indeed "expand!" I mean, just today after messing around for what seemed like a waste of time I finally got a favicon on my site. It felt good to have done something never thought of or attempted before.

"I'm grateful for-" you sharing with us the same.
Deezdz Premium
Thank you Jim! A year ago, some of my IM tasks would take me hours to figure out where as now I do them in minutes. It really does feel good....and congrats on your favicon!!! =)
BIS Premium
Hi Dee. I rather envy you. I would like to have been there. I think many people struggle to stay in the present and are either harping back and being stuck or racing ahead for the next best thing. It;s a great pity and it's very destructive. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Deezdz Premium
My pleasure Beverley. Tony Robbins is FABULOUS. If you ever get the opportunity to see him I strongly suggest you do.

I really do try my best to stay in the present moment and focus on what's here and now and after yesterday's event... I'm going to try even harder!
fishing Premium
See your spending to much time in Toronto and not working on your IM...just is true I think we as north Americans we never really stop and smell the roses and are always thinking and wanting what we do not that wrong??? yeah I think it is....greed is a very powerful hate tool.....
Deezdz Premium
You're so right Tim...I didn't do a shred of IM yesterday but the day of inspiration was well worth to drive to T.O! =)

I think wanting what we don't have is great and not wrong at's the first step in "creating" what we want. If we take continued action on what we want, it turns into our reality!

I just know from my own experience with Internet Marketing, it's sometimes so easy to forget how far I've come and how much I've learned!