QOTD#1 - What Am I Doing?

Last Update: May 24, 2012
As I work online creating my IM business, everyday I have many questions, concerns and doubts of whether I'm doing "it" correctly.After reading Beverley's post "Advice for Newbies – Ask questions", I realized I haven't been asking any questions at all. Since WA has made it's changes, and the forum is not active, I admit, I've been apprehensive to post my questions front and centre for everyone to view.Will my questions sound stupid?Will I phrase something incorrectly?Will people think less of me because I don't know ______ ?What if no one answers?No, maybe I'm not considered a newbie anymore, but regardless of where I am on my IM journey, there are sure to be questions which will come up, so I decided it's time to get over myself. I'm going post a "Question Of The Day" (QOTD) and here's why....
  • It will expand my knowledge
  • In hopes it will give me a chance to meet/interact with new people in the community
  • Personal development ~ I'll be out of my comfort zone - eeks!
  • It could help others who have the same questions or concerns
  • Until Carson/Kyle reveal the "new way" to go about asking questions, I will become more comfortable posting on a regular basis.
So there you have it....and here is my QOTD ;)I noticed there are still many tutorials here at WA on Squidoo. Can you still make money online using totally free methods ie - Squidoo, Hubpages, Blogger, Weebly ect?Thanks for reading and sharing!Dee
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BIS Premium
Hi Dee
Like you I have the fear of asking questions - which is partially what prompted me writing the post. Even now after 2 years I think I have only asked 5 questions and 2 of them were probably in pms to Kyle! However, I am aware that has been to my detriment and I've stopped myself from making progress more quickly or missed out learning how to do something altogether. You see I am very good at giving advice - not so good at following it!
Deezdz Premium
Well I'm grateful for all your advice and your blog post which inspired me Beverley!

I don't want my lack of questions to hinder my progress so I'm going to try putting myself out there even though it feels uncomfortable. I may end up asking some silly questions but I just hope everyone will be patient with me.
Carson Premium Plus
Deezdz Premium
Thanks for the encouragement Carson. No QOTD on weekends or holidays though...have to give myself and all of you a break...lol!

As I wrote below, it seems like my Squidoo sites are getting ranked faster and better than my wordpress sites and I sometimes think the more you have out there the better. I have some free sites working for me and a handful of wordpress sites yet I'm trying to decide where more of my efforts should be focused.
Carson Premium Plus
Hi to everyone,
My names Reggie for short, I'm new to the club and just like to say Hi . I have no questions as of now, though probably later down the line I'll be blogging with a flood of information needed in response so to exempt myself from being a Ghosx , I'm opening myself to beginners conversation thanks for reading , enjoy until further future success in upcoming accounters destined, PEACE!
Carson Premium Plus
BIS Premium
Hello Reggie.
Welcome to WA. Use the Live Chat when you do have questions. It's the quickest way to get help when you need it. Good luck with your internet marketing activities.
Deezdz Premium
Hi Reggie. A warm welcome to WA! Wishing you great success on your IM journey :)
veronica.l Premium
Well even if we have been here for a while we are not experts at everything, right. Ask me about PPC and I would not be of much help...
I think it is a great idea with QOTD and I am sure there are lots of people having the same question as you do.
As far as your question today, if Squidoo, Hubpages and other 2.0 sites works today. I personally use them as link juice for my own website. I add a good article to Hubpages and then I point the links to my website. I think that you have so much more control of your own site.
Best of luck,
Deezdz Premium
Ya, it sounds like many people are using these site for "link juice" but not focusing on using them to make money. Thanks Vicky ;)
jchilders Premium
Hey Dee!

As they say, the only dumb question is the one that you don't ask, so don't be afraid of asking questions around here. I know I've publicized a few questions I felt silly about after the fact, but nobody laughed at me. :)

In regards to your question, I think you CAN make money using totally free methods, but I do not think it is as easy as it once was. In the past, those types of sites were used to throw up quick and dirty sites just to funnel traffic and link juice without much regard to the QUALITY of the information put on them. These days quality plays a much bigger role and sites are being much more selective about what they will allow.

My $0.02
Deezdz Premium
I'm sure I'll come up with some "doozeey" questions myself but we'll see how it goes...lol. Squidoo has some lensmasters with 3 or 400 sites... they MUST be making some money. i know PPG is still promoting her "One Week Marketing" which is based all around Squidoo so I just figured there must be some sort of potential there. Plus, the few Squidoo sites I put up seem to rank faster than my own sites. Anyway, great advice Jon...thank you!