QOTD ~ How To Prevent Google Image Indexing?

Last Update: May 26, 2012

Happy Friday Everyone!

I recently read there's a way you can keep the images on your website from appearing in Google Images search results. I may have read it here at WA but can't find the info when I search...

My QOTD is a double whammy ~

a) is there anyway of KNOWING if google has 'picked-up' and is 'showing' a specific image from my site?
b) how can I PREVENT an image from showing in the serps?

Thanks for reading and sharing :)

Oh...also Thomas sparked an idea when he left me this great quote yesterday ~

“If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.”
Tony Robbins

Thanks Thomas! I'll include a Quote Of The Day along with my Question Of The Day to provide a little inspiration for us all! (QOTD - another double whammy...lol)
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jchilders Premium
One way to check if Google has picked up your image is to do a search for the picture's title in quotes. You can use the Google filters on the left-hand side to only look at images. If you see an image that looks like yours, hover over it and see what website it came from.

I'm not sure how to prevent Google from indexing your pictures though. It seems like you would need to use the 'noindex' syntax or possibly a robots.txt file (I think it's that one anyway) to tell the spiders not to look in the directory where your images are stored.
Deezdz Premium
Ok Jon...the first part I get, the second part sounds like a foreign language to me...lol.
Thank you and enjoy your weekend!
jchilders Premium
Did some looking around after I replied and found a site that explains the 2nd part a little better..


Number 8 is what I was guessing at earlier (using a robots.txt file)
Deezdz Premium
oooh...this is great information I need!

I put a personal pic on one of my sites which I shouldn't have. No copyright issues apply as it's MY photo, but I realize I made a mistake and want it off-line asap.

I followed your advice and put the pics title in quotes and it HAS been indexed in Google Images. With the link you've provided, I'll now know how to prevent an image from being indexed in the future, but how can I get this one de-indexed NOW??????? Yesterday, I deleted the image off my site. Is there anything else I can do?
jchilders Premium
Hmmm, I'm not sure how you would get something DE-indexed...I guess with Penguin running around, you could always send of bunch of spammy links to it! LOL

Seriously though, I would get ahold of someone like Jennifer (PPG) that has more experience dealing with Google. They might know who to contact about that.