At The Hospital....

Last Update: March 01, 2011

Well, I'm at the hospital.  My 13 yr old is having eye surgery today.  Thank goodness there is wi-fi.  I will try to get some work done on my site while I'm here.  It's 2pm and he was scheduled for 1:30, now I just found out that he has been pushed back and there is one other patient in front of him. Grrrrr!  I'm sick of hospitals and I'm sure he is to.  

I've decided I will try to make the best of my time while I'm here. Work on my lesson, then on my site. Watch the rest of the link wheel video, maybe even get in an article.  Well, just needed to vent a little today.  God Bless all of you.  Geee, I'm getting hungry! LOL

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Bellawhimsea Premium
God is BIG!
Pounders Premium
I know that your son will get through his surgery okay. As for you, rest too, because your son will need you after his surgery. Maybe work alittle to take your time off your worries. The both of you are in my prayers!
Jamie Smith Premium
Sending blessings as we speak