EZine Approved Me But Squidoo Didn't?!

Last Update: March 10, 2011

Ok, I submitted an article to Ezine soooo long ago, hadn't heard anything so I started a new article to submit to Squidoo, which I was really excited about because I love their format.  I worked really had on the Squidoo lense.  My article was at least 900 words of information regarding my keywords and WA.  So after all of this work and getting the Amazon affiliate links, creating anchor listings, getting good pics, adding a WA banner, I try to submit and it says it has been flagged as SPAM due to my topic.  So, my options were to go back and delete it, edit it for another subject matter, or request a clearance.  Of course after all of the work I put into it I requested a clearance.

 I checked my email and I had received approval for my article from EZINE (the whole standard english and text thing). Now, I find it amazing that article I spent much less time on was excepted by the more strict article directory, while the article I really busted my hump for and put my personality into to really reach my audience got flagged by SQUIDOO.  This sucks!  Although I'm happy about the Ezine article, I am very disappointed by squidoo.  It really seem like it was more my forum type.  I had planned on submitting and publishing that one then writing one for StreetArticles.  Any advice is welcome. Thanks

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jill11 Premium
Try hub pages- same type of format as squidoo!!! I get more traffic on hub pages then I do on squidoo!
DABK Premium
Squidoo doesn't like a bunch of stuff. Read the squidonts or publish the lens early.
Maz Premium
Yes WA and other "make money online" topics are now banned from Squidoo as well as weight loss and other related topics. I had a great WA lens on there for ages then they had a shake up and banned lots of topics and my lovely WA lens was locked along with a few of my weight loss lenes. I was very upset at the time but still love squidoo.. You should read this http://www.squidoo.com/squiddont for more info.
phildeeze Premium
I had a similar problem with squidoo when submitting an article under health and fitness. I had it reviewed and they let it through. But he is correct about their dislike for WA, Maybe use a website or even a blogger site would be best. Then you link to your page instead of WA and you wont have that problem.
Labman_1 Premium
Squidoo doesn't like WA. If you want to do a lens you can't promote WA at Squidoo. It's one of their banned topics. Congrats on your first article.