Moving Forward but wondering.....

Last Update: April 06, 2011

I've started building actual site since SA doesn't accept affiliate links.  It's coming out great I guess.  But being me, I'm still wondering about my Squidoo Article.  It says that it is published and is featured in their search, but no matter how I type it in, it doesn't come up.  I really don't understand what that is about.  I hadn't checked it in probably over a week.  I'm just sick of the whole thing with them.

Anyway, working on a wordpress site is a lot of actual work, then I'll need to write articles to go along with it.  But it feels good to see my progress daily.  My first page I created was actually an FAQ page. Now I'm working on my landing page. I will post the link soon to get opinions on the content of it.  I'm glad I took an HTML class when I was in school because you really need it since the options are so limited in wordpress ( font size especially).  I'm more used to Dreamweaver but I don't have it on my laptop.

I hope all is going well for the rest of the newbies, I hope to move up in ranking soon and be able to help other be as successful as I am when I get there, LOL. God Bless you all, have a wonderful day!

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Labman_1 Premium
If you go into your dashboard over at Squidoo there is a list of your published articles(lenses). Pull up the lens and look at the URL. I bet you are in need of the dashes. The link should be the squidoo URL then a slash and your title with dashes in between.