He is out of surgery!

Last Update: March 01, 2011

Thank you all for your prayers. My son is out of surgery and doing fine. Waiting for the go ahead so we can leave.  He had lense replacements a while back and after that what usually happens is some type of film builds up so they then have to go in with a laser and remove the film (capsulotomy) so they can see. One eye at a time, so now we will have to schedule the right eye at a later date.

I did get some studying done. I am still very excited about this IM thing.  I really feel in my heart that God is going to bless our family through this as long as I stay on His path.  I'm hoping to get so good at it that I can bless my church with a few sites.  I haven't been this passionate about something in quite a while, aside from the Lord of course! Anyway, I want to be able to be as helpful to others as you all have been to me.  So forgive me if I ask any particular person specific questions about your site. I am a research fanatic, and I'm not trying to steal anything, I just hate to redo things and I want to do it right the first time if I can.

God Bless, Homeskillets! LOL

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morlandroger Premium
Saw your previous blog post. Glad to see your son is doing OK. Good luck with the IM business. You are in the right place to learn. Roger
Pounders Premium
Glad that everything went well for your son. Your still in my prayers. And continue with the IM training. You will soon see all this hard work pay off! Good luck