Been MIA

Last Update: September 14, 2011

Hello everyone. I've been gone for a while, but I'm back!  Been working on my site for the last approx. 2 wks. Almost done I would say.  I took a step back from learning marketing for a while. Everything had gotten too crazy for me to focus.  I got more done in the last two wks than I did in several months before.  I checked and I'm on page 3 of google as of yesterday under my keyword phrase for my site. My first article leading for my site in SA came up on page one. I'm currently trying to finish the site and create articles and backlinks.

Please visit my site and give your input. Espe'd lcially if you're experience and successful. I had a hard time with Wordpress themes fitting my site so I picked this one as a last resort but it is not written in stone.

Also, I 'd like to know what you feel about adsense ads in the outer columns. I had a few in there until I watched a webinar that said that they distract from the actual product that you're trying to sell. You're input and suggestions are greatly appreciated.


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