It's A Long Hard Climb! But I'm Gonna Get There!

Last Update: March 04, 2011

Many of you may not remember those lyrics from Sesame Street many years ago.  I don't want to date my age, but I'm working on my WA site.  It's more difficult than I thought.  I got rid of the whole feeder site thing so I could create my own and get the practice in.  I have my next niche in mind and can't wait to get started but I have to conquer this one first.  I guess I'm probably making it more difficult than it should be.  Getting used to WordPress Express and all.  I just want to get it finished!  Do any of you know where I can get the content, such as testimonials and what not for the WA affiliate sites.  I saw site templates and they didn't have that type of info.  The only page I'm near completing is the Product page and I have to figure out how to upload the pics.  I can't get my article marketing started if I don't get this site done.  Although I did submit one and used my MMM link, but I still have not heard anything from EZine yet.  Anyway, any advice on how to speed up this process is well appreciate.  As we all know "time is money!"

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jill11 Premium
the 30 day clubs are great- I did the article marketing one and I am doing the 30 day success one as well. Good luck!
Labman_1 Premium
Have you joined the new club? It's for us newbies.