Mental Jigsaw puzzle

Last Update: March 06, 2011

I was e-mailing a friend and was talking about this course and I said "It's a bit like doing a jigsaw puzzle, mentally, without a clear picture of your end product - trying to figure out how to put the pieces together to actually create income".  I decided it was so true that I would add it to my blog.

I'm doing the Success Club and I'm on day 4 (I took yesterday off) where we're doing the KW searches.  I've already bought a domain and created a blog using the phrase "Learning the Internet".  The reason I chose this is because they said to choose something you're passionate about and, right now, learning through IM is what I'm passionate about.  Problem is, other than linking/selling WA for IM, I can't figure out how else I can use this website to actually create income.  I want to do something genuine and not just put something out there to get someone to buy.  Any ideas/comments would be appreciated.

Thanks.  E. 

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Stacydee Premium
I had to stop by and add a post here because what you say in your first paragraph is pretty much the same thing I wrote in my blog post last week. :) I've added you as a buddy!
Brad B Premium
Your last statement is strikingly similar to the arguments being made about the recent Ezine Articles/Google shakeup last week. From this cauldron of emotions two groups have emerged in the debate: the marketers who apparently blanket Ezines with crummy, sleazy ad copy, and those who fancy themselves marketing litterateurs mixed with those who write for the good of the people--i.e. shunning profit. Part of the problem is finding the balance between selling snake oil and writing with quality conviction in marketing your wares--all the while using those golden keywords. I'm sure you'll find it. The fact that your conscience is tugged by this conundrum is evidence enough.
Labman_1 Premium
Where to start, always a good question. Learning the internet is a huge undertaking. You can provide tutorials for hundreds of things. Is Grammaw wanting to learn how to e-mail the grandkids? Open pictures, send cards? This is just one piece of the puzzle. Choose an audience and try to discover what are their challenges with the internet. Travis calls it the "Starving Crowd" I could go on. But I'll give you food for thought here.