Stuck in the Middle

Last Update: March 09, 2011

Well I haven't blogged in a couple of days because I've been stuck on the content of the website/blog I created under the Success Club.

The problem for me is being the middle man and the desire to really contribute to someone who has landed on my site, not just trying to sell them something.  I chose a niche and domain name, created the site, but then didn't know what to even put on my Home page!

It wasn't until I got to Day 7 and, under the "Sign-up to Affiliate Networks" section, searched for affiliate programs that were relevant to my niche.  And low and behold I found one - one that gave me more direction for my site!  This gave me a bit more of an idea of how my site would assist others searching under this niche, and then I was able to write my home page!  Yeah!

I'm feeling like a big load has been taken off my mind and now - with my site set up with content that I like - I'm really ready to get on with things.  Mind you - as I learn - I'll probably change the content many times - but that's half the fun isn't it?

Hope you all are persevering through your challenges and hitting those moments of personal victory.

Talk to you soon.  E.

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Eileiah Premium
Yeah, I wish I had known about that earlier (the playing havoc on your rankings). I just found out that everytime you update it pings on Google and you can actually get blacklisted if you ping too much. I also found out there's a plug in you can install that stops the constant pinging (see the WAbinar - An Affiliate Walkthrough WAbinar (from Wed Dec 22, 2010).
ShaunFern Premium
Good to see you finding your way! be careful what you change though. If you delete content, then it would play havoc on your rankings on google. change content only to update them. :)
Labman_1 Premium
Glad you found something you like. Ah ha moments are fun aren't they.