webpage testing site

Last Update: March 18, 2011

OMG I just found the coolest webpage testing site (quite by accident)!  May I say I didn't even know these existed - and this one is in the testing stages itself - but man is it good!

I plugged in my website that I'm working on through the Success Club and up comes 11 pages of great feedback!  I got an Overall 6.9 for the site, but then it goes in to details:

5.6 (average) for Experience - How satisfying the website is likely to be for users; 1.7 (very poor) for Marketing - How well marketed, and popular the website is; and on and on.

They pointed out I wasn't linked to Facebook (I know my articles are but I'll have to find out how to do the website - it's probably on one of the days I haven't gotten to in the Success Club).

And so much more - check it out at nibbler.silktide.com



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Labman_1 Premium
Checked it out. Seems to have a problem with WordPress sites.
or maybe just my theme. Either way could be nice. I guess I'll need to look into some of their ranking criteria when time allows.
Nirnaeth Premium
sounds awesome! Will test it once I have written content for me new website =) Thanks for the great tip!