
Last Update: March 04, 2011

Thank you  wandah and jatdebeaune and all others for your great moral support; and thanks to Kyle for answering my question on the forum.

I'm doing day 3 of the Success in 30 days and I've spent the last few hours TRYING to get a link to WA hidden in one of my pages on my blog/website.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to figure it out, despite reading/watching a few tutorials - it just keeps showing the code - so I put a question under Day 3 in the forum and went and took my dog for a walk to clear my head.

On the walk I decided I would just continue with doing the two pages that I was assigned to do - the About and the Homepage, and just leave a space where I want to put a link; then when I get it figured out (which I will!) I'll just plug it in.

Right now this whole thing is a "1 step forward and 2 steps back" for me, and I understand why I get so demoralized - it's tough to spend so much time trying to figure something out and really not getting it.  A bit of a kick to the old ego I think, lol.

Anyway, believe it or not, I'm getting a certain amount of satisfaction in doing this as I'm not giving up and I do make a few small steps forward.  Pretty soon it'll be 1 forward 1 back, then 2 forward and 1 back, then look out - I'll be running!

So stay tuned.  E.




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WRI Premium
Nice horse Eileiah barrel or show?.. Btw welcome to WA :)
Labman_1 Premium
Keep plugging away at it Eileiah. I replied to your post in the forum so this might get you there. If not check out Jay WAbinar on HTML. I expect he will fill in the holes with that one.