Trouble with Rapid Writer

Last Update: April 18, 2011

Is anyone else having trouble using the Rapid Writer?  I hit "create a new article", it asked for the title and then gave the option to save or cancel, so I saved and then it goes to a blank page with two tabs - Article Editor and Keyword Research.  When I go to the Keyword Research page it's as it should be, but the Article Editor page is totally blank - no where to start writing.  I don't know if it's my machine or not.  I'm going to post this on the forum as well, but if anyone reads this and can help I'd appreciate a reply.

The frustrating thing is I just went ahead and wrote my article on Office Word, went in to Street Articles to publish it and it won't let me paste it in!  Sigh.

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Labman_1 Premium
If you write in Word, do a save as and save your article as a text file.
Then cut and paste the text into SA. It should go in fine. Word has a bunch of control characters in the background that confuses some article submission sites( Including Ezine and SA). Saving as text removes the offending stuff from Word.

Don't know what to say about RW. It has always worked well for me.