Literally ill

Last Update: March 03, 2011

I tell you sometimes this site literally makes me feel ill.

My latest demoralizing episode is reading the instruction to "install auto-tweet application".  They give a website link, which I followed, and there I found a box to fill out to subscribe to their newsletter.  So now I'm thinking how does that 'automatically push tweets from WordPress'.  So then I figure I'll just register on to the site - which I do and they send me an e-mail to activate - which I do, but then they ask me to log in and say they've sent a password to my e-mail but I can't find it.  Sigh.

I figure there must be a life lesson in all of this somewhere, but I'm not sure what it is.

Maybe it's not to believe the thought "I will never get this" and "I'm sooo stupid".  Trouble is I don't get it and I do feel stupid.

Ah well, I'm doing the 30 day success club so maybe that will help - mind you I'm a little stuck on a couple of the plug-ins, but that'll get resolved I'm sure.

Stay tune - but only if you don't mind the whining, lol.

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ShaunFern Premium
If you have any questions, ask in the forum, its better to ask if you can't figure it out, all my questions so far has been answered, they'll be happy to help you

Get up and keep moving forward.. that's how you learn

jatdebeaune Premium
Whenever you get stuck, just ask for help. Whenever you feel stupid, just remember the things you do well, the things you excel doing. In time you'll excel at this. Takes patience. Everything worthwhile takes effort.
wandah Premium
HEy. I know how you feel . I felt the same a year ago Eileiah. It was't tears in my beer it was tears dropping in the frying pan when I was cooking supper I was so frustrated.

My husband asked what was wrong? I sobbed " I really don't think I can do this".

His reply was "You'll figure out don"t worry."

Well Eileiah here I am a year later. I know so much more. I still get frustrated at times, but Be Darned if I am going to quit and let this beat me. Theres a living to be made here my friend, You can do this, We can do this. WAU is a place where there is help and support.

It will come together just keep taking baby steps and breathe, breathe, breathe, . Your horses will defianately be your saving grace in this journey.
