you can get lost

Last Update: February 27, 2011

There is SO much content on this site it is so easy to get lost in it.  I finally had to make a little card - which I plan on changing as I progress - listing where I am in the WA Action Plan.  I found I was getting so sidetracked with so many links to so many tutorials!  Not to mention the forums and blogs and buddies....  A person could spend HOURS just reading and snooping, lol.

So - I'm working my way through Lesson 2, and the last link "Make Money w/Word Press".  I'm on 1.2 Mastering SEO.  I took time out from reading to come and post this (ah distracted again) lol.  But this blog is kind of like my journal of my journey (so to speak), so I wanted to get this latest little insight down before it got lost somewhere in the gray matter of my brain.

stay tuned... 

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Meadow Breeze Premium
See there,you have the right attitude and when you get your sights set,You gonna be a BIG SHOT!