Posts by Hmdedeur 11
November 14, 2011
I waited and waited for the KW tool to come available since it went down I am not nor will I ever be interested in purchasing JAAXY. cancelled my subscription to WA a week ago. They were so friendly that they removed my mailbox with immediate effect that was hosted on WA. My sites are still up though. I learned a lot here and I will apply it elsewhere.  Jim Morrison said it well : "This is the End"  
I have to repeat the classic scenario that everyone seems to have described at one time or another. I logged onto Clickbank to start creating my affiliate links for a new page that I wrote on my website and instead of the usual column of $0.00's that is displayed every time I log in there it is : $26.31 ! I have been writing articles and creating web pages for 4 months to the day - mind you - not as many as I would have liked (as my 8-5 job and my other responsibilities interferes with my IM).
May 03, 2011
 We have experienced the first frosts of winter in the southern hemisphere.  It is becoming too cold at night to get up and go to the computer to write some more articles if we do happen to have electricity at the time. We have regular power failures as the electric cables are stolen by copper thieves. There is a roaring trade in South Africa in the rural areas in stolen copper cables.  I just wish we were able to sell copper via internet marketing - you'll make an absolute fortun
April 13, 2011
Almost a month since I last wrote something here! I have been very busy and not as busy with WA as I wanted to be, but well, I have to do what I have to do.  I have written 8 articles for my niche in Women's Health and I am currently having close to 100 hits per day on the site but no sales yet. The articles are all very high quality and I have published them at  ArticlesBase, Hubpages and GoArticles. I am unable to write more than one article in about two to three days due to the am
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March 14, 2011
 Time flies when you are having fun.  It was yesterday... I think .. that I wanted to write a blog about the first month at WA and all the trials and tribulations that came my way. And then I see its already 11 days past the date. Out of desperation I joined the 30-Day Success club here at WA. At the same time I am busy looking at a few other topics outside WA,  such as JV and serious ... and I mean SERIOUS... list building techniques and methods. I am struggling with some of the
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February 24, 2011
 I've been "at it" for three weeks now. I have one article published, 2 more ready to be published if I don't get censored again.  Today I've already joined Ezine Articles, Squidoo and HobPages. So later on I will submit articles to these three. I found a nice link that gives you the PR and the Alexa Rating for the top 50 article directories out there : So using this list you can better choose where to submit your articl
February 15, 2011
" Article Writing " is not as easy as it looks. I have written my first article but I think now I should take it to the workshop, rip it apart and re-assemble it.  I spent hours researching the topic but when I started reading articles on the same topic out there in the world wide web that has already been published, I felt very inferior and lacking.  As they say in the classics, : "Back to the drawing board !"  My first mistake is to look at the 400 to 500 wor
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February 11, 2011
 Nine days already. I am waiting for the next lesson ( lesson 4) to become available - but that is only tonight. I have reviewed everything I thought I read and found that I missed a few important points along the way !  So this idea of waiting between lessons is a good idea as you then have to make sure - and you have the time - that you have learned your lesson thoroughly.  Oh yes - and I got my very own unique affiliate ID today - now maybe I can work at becoming a "Super
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February 09, 2011
 Almost a week at it makes me feel weak. I have learned a tremendous amount in this week.  I also found out I have a dummy affiliate ( Unique?? not ) ID and all my referrals disappear into thin air. I get zero responses on my questions - only Marcus responded once but the problem still persists. Nevermind , I just emailed all 300 contacts that I sent referrals to and told them to stop the bus as I am not referring this product any more - my mistake sorry ! Maybe If I get a UNIQUE affil
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February 06, 2011
This is day 3 and I started Lesson 3 of the Action Plan.  I have one definite sign-up and a few more possibilities but I don't know how to check how many has signed up yet. I suppose I will still learn. I also joined the Super Affiliate program. I have successfully created a blogpost with Wordpress Express and I am amazed at the ease - writing a webpage in Notepad is fun but it takes soooo long. Actually I prefer Editpad to Notepad.  Oh and here is a pic of My plot :  Until tomorr