The Month of May

Last Update: May 03, 2011

 We have experienced the first frosts of winter in the southern hemisphere. 

It is becoming too cold at night to get up and go to the computer to write some more articles if we do happen to have electricity at the time. We have regular power failures as the electric cables are stolen by copper thieves. There is a roaring trade in South Africa in the rural areas in stolen copper cables. 

I just wish we were able to sell copper via internet marketing - you'll make an absolute fortune in South Africa selling copper to the police alone, nevermind the unscrupulous scrap metal dealers that pay the police for their efforts to ensure that the copper thieves do not get captured ! 

We have only had the cables stolen twice in the last seven days and every time we have no power for 24 hours ! So my article marketing is limited to one article a day when we do have electricity available. 

So you see I do have motivating factors - I am motivated to make a success of IM via WA so that I can purchase a generator large enough to power the farm and I need to purchase bricks to build a 10m wall around the farm!

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