Almost a Week ( or weak?)

Last Update: February 09, 2011

 Almost a week at it makes me feel weak. I have learned a tremendous amount in this week. 

I also found out I have a dummy affiliate ( Unique?? not ) ID and all my referrals disappear into thin air. I get zero responses on my questions - only Marcus responded once but the problem still persists. Nevermind , I just emailed all 300 contacts that I sent referrals to and told them to stop the bus as I am not referring this product any more - my mistake sorry ! Maybe If I get a UNIQUE affiliate ID I will see if I will promote WA or rather spend my time with some Commission Junction or Clickbank products. 

I am still working on lesson 3 - I have almost ( there is that word again ) finished all the tasks - I am neglecting all my other blogs at this stage but once I have finished lesson 3 I will spend some time on them.  

Let me go and finish off lesson 3 ! 

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Labman_1 Premium
My question is how did you identify that your affiliate ID is a dummy. Have you had sign-ups that you can confirm and not gotten credit for them? What makes you think you have a problem here.