First Sale and Tracking ID's

Last Update: June 04, 2011

I have to repeat the classic scenario that everyone seems to have described at one time or another. I logged onto Clickbank to start creating my affiliate links for a new page that I wrote on my website and instead of the usual column of $0.00's that is displayed every time I log in there it is : $26.31 !

I have been writing articles and creating web pages for 4 months to the day - mind you - not as many as I would have liked (as my 8-5 job and my other responsibilities interferes with my IM). I have written 18 articles that I have posted with article directories, and I have set up two main websites with a number of smaller ones (two on Blogger that I don't do much on - just using it for the links I put on there to my 2 main websites in order increase the ratings of the 2 main ones) 

 I can see one BIG mistake that I made is in not using tracking ID's.I have maybe 90 links to the product that I sold and my first question to myself was : Which link did the buyer purchase from ? Which page was done right enough to motivate the buyer to purchase the product ? So now it is back to the drawing board and time to put tracking ID's on all those links I so lavishly sprinkled around !

Till next time when I reach my $50 a week target !


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