A Month Later

Last Update: April 13, 2011

Almost a month since I last wrote something here! I have been very busy and not as busy with WA as I wanted to be, but well, I have to do what I have to do. 

I have written 8 articles for my niche in Women's Health and I am currently having close to 100 hits per day on the site but no sales yet. The articles are all very high quality and I have published them at  ArticlesBase, Hubpages and GoArticles. I am unable to write more than one article in about two to three days due to the amount of research I put in, but so far I have been really enjoying the research. Also, my topics are such that I suppose its easy to do research in less time but with health issue I rather prefer to double check my facts before publishing a load of hogwash and I also think that if I publish rubbish I can only expect rubbish traffic ? I have monetized the site and I even put in 2 Aweber forms - one for a free offer and one for free membership for the site - but ZERO reaction. 

 I started on the Success in 30 Days Club and I got to about the twelfth day when I realized that I should rather stick with my original niche and not start a new niche for the 30-day-club. I called a halt, but I saved all the emails so I am planning on starting again but in my niche and using the club to expand my current effort.

I have lots of excuses for my procrastination but as I am planning on making this a long weekend by taking off work on friday and putting extra effort into my article writing and submissions. 


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Good to know I'm not the only one who got to the 12th day then backtracked to start over. Enjoyed your PCOS site but firefox couldn't or wouldn't access the other one. Cheers, JR