My First Article

Last Update: February 15, 2011

" Article Writing " is not as easy as it looks. I have written my first article but I think now I should take it to the workshop, rip it apart and re-assemble it. 

I spent hours researching the topic but when I started reading articles on the same topic out there in the world wide web that has already been published, I felt very inferior and lacking. 

As they say in the classics, : "Back to the drawing board !" 

My first mistake is to look at the 400 to 500 word limit. My aim right through writing my first article was not to write the best article, but to reach that elusive 400 word mark. I don't think one of the articles out there on my niche topic is less that 2000 words or even maybe 5000 words. 

The second mistake is writing an article that is not too technical,  but it seems there I was wrong again. 

Articles 2 - Hugo 0 !

The third mistake is that I am writing a lecture instead of an article ! 

Articles 3 - Hugo 0

My fourth mistake - notice how I progress from "the mistake" to "my mistake" - is a lack of linking and advertising in the article. I must still figure out, do I put my links to advertisements in the article or link the article back to my own page and advertise there. Street articles doesn't seem to like links !  

Articles 4 - Hugo 0

Well, I think maybe its time I re-read the tutorial on article marketing in depth. 

Time to even the score ! 

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Robg1 Premium
Well you got the first one out there and that's what matters. With links you need to link to your own page and advertise from there. I think none of the article directories (including street aricles) allow affiliate links in the article or resource box any more. Good attitude just keep doing and keep learning!