Posts by IFaith 29
STOP: Not for the fainthearted or easily offended! I normally don't like chain emails or messages that gets forwarded ad nauseam - delete them on site is more like it. But I did receive this today from a good friend and I opened it solely because it was from her. If you have a crazy sense of humor or love weird science facts then this is for you. This chain email has probably traveled around the world many times and with copy and paste and forwarding has lost some of its parts - most especiall
I get a little overwhelmed sometimes when I am in the middle of doing  something and then I stumble upon a niche idea or possible IM strategy that will complement my IM plan. Awestruck and overjoyed, wishing I had more time, more budget to experiment. It is these times, that I take a step back and just take a deep breath, reminding myself as I read out loud my goals, my IM strategy: That I have all the time in the world, with each step, with what time I have, focused on what I need to do,
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."  - Albert Einstein A very wise statement by one of the smartest person that has ever lived. And this goes to show that no matter how smart or not you are, keeping things simple, easy, and starting now  leads to a faster, much successful life. I have been doing keyword research for my next online project and doing fine. The trouble came when I started to go beyond the scope of the rese
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One of the problems with overwhelm is that it often causes you to automatically feel that you have lost control. You don't know which way is up or down. Feeling stuck and emotionally out of your element makes doing anything or succeeding at anything difficult. So what do you do when you find yourself overwhelmed with information, with actions that needs to be done, with your present moment in time? Stop Overwhelm #1: Stop & Breathe Stop for a moment. Take a deep breath and just breathe. Re
Playing IM for years is the main reason I have not seen any results worthy of an IM success story. I have not taken action in following any particular plan. I got stuck on the look and research mode. Being all over the place takes you no where. And with no action gets no results. With no results means I have nothing to evaluate, and that means no opportunities to tweak and build on from there. Yes, I am guilty of being lazy at IM. Of not treating it as a business, as worthy of my time and en
In continuing with my positive progress at Wealthy Affiliate University, it is important to practice habits that will make me a true successful wealthy affiliate. Everyone knows that you have got to have a plan or goal. And you have to take action to achieve your end results. I came up with 5 habits that I believe will help anyone become a successful Wealthy Affiliate. 1. Simplify Simplify to make goals, actions, and results support one another. Making things as easy as possible lessens overw
May 21, 2010
Internet Marketing can be a very lonely and isolated profession for those involved. That's why it is called IM - I am.  Wealthy Affiliate gives new meaning and applications to Internet Marketing - IM. WA is We are. Spreading my wings a little farther by visiting the forum and other blogs and commenting on them.  +Faith
I'm still orienting myself to WA and have started on the recommended tutorials. For now, I'm learning to build a better foundation for being a profitable affiliate. So many ideas that I sometimes have to stop and just take a breather. I initially got into WA for the fact that in here I can have the base of operations in learning the basics of launching a real online business that will last. One with a solid foundation than can easily be expanded on for greater gains. The vast tutorials and tool
May 19, 2010
WA WA what? Go to sleep! Ok, right after I post my first blog entry for my first day here at WA. I signed up a few hours ago and it is way past midnight from where I am - hell, it is 4am. LOL! I am so going to feel this in the morning. But what the heck, when you're on a roll - you just have to keep rolling along... I've been up finishing some online projects and taking breaks learning my way around WA. This journey starting anew with WA will be a good one, I can feel it. So far, I like what