Don't Fear the Dreaded Spam Label

Last Update: March 15, 2010

The best lessons I have had in my short IM career have been my failings that are in front of me in black and white.

The dreaded happened a couple of days ago.  After an hour and a half of creating what I thought was a pretty damn good lens on Squidoo, it was labeled bad content.  I didn't think so, but after changing it and arguing, they won out.  So bye bye lens.

And you know what.  It was not a big deal!  I deleted it, moved on, learned a lesson, and I know it's not the end of the world.  Pretty painless!

Now, for the first time a couple of my ads were disallowed on USFreeads.  I deleted them too, and it is even less of a big deal.

My point is that most fears about writing ads, articles, lenses, or whatever are unfounded, no matter what your fear is.

So what if you get tagged as bad content.  It will show you that you need relevant content instead.

Learn from it, get relevant and realize it is not the end of your internet marketing career!  Get your content out there, and you WILL get better at writing.

Good Luck Everyone!


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JulieB Premium
I needed to hear this today - thanks for posting this!
klrrider Premium
At one time "spam" used to have a pretty defined definition but now days it is used as a catch all phrase for any affiliate activity that some one dislikes for what ever reason. Does make things tougher but it also makes us better. Best to you Jared.
sox1n05 Premium
That is a great point you make. While, I certainly don't condone purposely spamming, you won't know unless you try right? That's a great point. Keep that cool attitude!
jatdebeaune Premium
Good attitude! When Squidoo kicked me out the first time because I was writing about IM, I had a nasty tantrum. So glad no one was here to get the fall out. I'm OK now though. Feel more like you.