Posts by JaredB 15
Hey Everyone,  I just wanted to hear some opinions on your experience with the Knol submission site.  I stumbled on it a couple of weeks ago and now submit my spun articles there. It seems to be a great resource, but I don't see ANY discussion about it around the IM community.  I am probably just behind the curve here, but thought I would share. It seems to be a dream-come-true submission site.  It is run by Google.  It has a PR of 7.&nb
Hey Everybody, I thought I would share a thought I had today (I had more than one all day, I swear.) This is for all who can not think of a niche to write about and make a campaign for.  I struggle when I write about things that hold no interest for me as I am sure many of you do.  But, when it is something where I "speak the language," I don't even have to think about it.  The words flow effortlessly. I speak fluent Navy, tennis, running, surgery, Iraq trauma medicine,
Hey Everybody, Just thought I would rant to the people who would appreciate this the most, you wonderful Wealthy Affiliates.  I scored a sweet 23 inch computer monitor on Craig's list for cheap.  It is awesome.  No more squinting at the small Macbook screen.  My neck might actually unfold itself now. This means I have my laptop screen and what basically amounts to 3 more screens.  Now I can be completely immersed in my new internet marketing obsession!  Feeling won
May 02, 2010
Hey everybody,  Thought I would pass along some VERY valuable information that Google has publicly released regarding optimized content. Google's SEO report card Head on over to their blog and click on the SEO report card link in the body of text. If you are new here, this is known as search engine optimization.  It is basically the way that you should set up your content in order for it to show up on Google.  This report is a review of the main pages of 100 Google products.&nb
April 28, 2010
Hey everybody,  I haven't posted a blog here in a couple weeks because I have been completely engulfed in learning Wordpress. Between learning to upload files, the interface, creating back links and learning about plug ins, I have been busy!  Just thought I would check back in with my fellow WA members and give my thoughts on Wordpress. Creating a blog with is a huge amount of work with a huge amount of payoff.  It lives on my own domain and I can do whatever I want
Just thought I would throw out my thoughts about the evolution of learning with respect to Squidoo. I guess my biggest flaw that I have found in myself is that when I learn something new in IM, I disregard the last thing I learned and focus on the new, which is a huge flaw.  (Note to self: apply your new lessons to old content, you can change it!.)  I am getting better at this, though. I just went over one of my Squidoo lenses and looked at it through the view of 5 weeks of learning n
March 21, 2010
I have seen this question floating around and thought I would answer it here. Q: won't let me use my free web email address such as gmail or  hotmail to sign up.  What can I use if I don't have one with my service provider?  A: They will accept an AOL webmail account for some reason.  Go to and make a free email to use for GoArticles.  GoArticles is awesome because its Google page rank is 6 right now and you can put direct affiliate li
March 18, 2010
Finally!!! March 16 I got my first real affiliate sale.  It feels good.  Plus it was my exact one year getting out of the Navy anniversary.  Next year I think I will celebrate my birthday and Christmas on March 16. (I'll be the one with Christmas lights in Spring, madly giving presents out to people, and blowing out candles on my cake.)  I say real affiliate sale because I have been at this a couple of months and had some success getting a bit of Adsense money and little Sq
The best lessons I have had in my short IM career have been my failings that are in front of me in black and white. The dreaded happened a couple of days ago.  After an hour and a half of creating what I thought was a pretty damn good lens on Squidoo, it was labeled bad content.  I didn't think so, but after changing it and arguing, they won out.  So bye bye lens. And you know what.  It was not a big deal!  I deleted it, moved on, learned a lesson, and I know it's not
I was just sitting here thinking I haven't thrown a blog on here in a few days.   There was a leftover fortune cookie, so I grabbed it.  I think there is a superstition about old fortune cookies leading to horrible luck, but I went for it. It said, "Your path is arduous but will be amply rewarding." Blog topic found!   I think I will tape it to my laptop now, so when I am in the depths of internet marketing depression and despair, I can glance at it for some inspiration.
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