First Affiliate SALE!!!

Last Update: March 21, 2010


March 16 I got my first real affiliate sale.  It feels good.  Plus it was my exact one year getting out of the Navy anniversary.  Next year I think I will celebrate my birthday and Christmas on March 16. (I'll be the one with Christmas lights in Spring, madly giving presents out to people, and blowing out candles on my cake.) 

I say real affiliate sale because I have been at this a couple of months and had some success getting a bit of Adsense money and little Squidoo royalties, but I made my first substantial affiliate sale on Clickbank.

I am behind the curve in this, but maybe it was just bad luck.  Talk about relief.

This has increased my focus in internet marketing by 10 times.  I am turning out content like a machine now!  It was just what I needed to light a fire under me.

Persistence paid off.  Thanks especially to the great learning resources from PotPieGirl and the Bum Marketing guys, and of course Kyle and Carson.

Good Luck Everybody.


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Not2Late Premium
Way to go :) One sale turns into two sales, two sales turn into four... and so on. You have such a great attitude!
Peedsbornagain Premium
Superb ..awesome ... man cant wait for my 1st sale ... You must be feeling on top of the world .... Well deserved buddy ...keep at it .. let me know if u need any kinda help
Cheers :))) very happy for u
taku123 Premium
Congratulations! That is fantastic, keep it up!
flowerchild Premium
Congratulations! That is wonderful!
sox1n05 Premium
Dude, that is fantastic! It really is the absolute COOLEST thing when you start to see your hard work paying off. You log into your Clickbank account and see 0's until that ONE day when you see a sale! That is great! Keep it up and fill up all those 0's with loads of $$$$$$$$$$!!