Signing up for GoArticles

Last Update: March 21, 2010

I have seen this question floating around and thought I would answer it here.

Q: won't let me use my free web email address such as gmail or  hotmail to sign up.  What can I use if I don't have one with my service provider?

 A: They will accept an AOL webmail account for some reason.  Go to and make a free email to use for GoArticles. 

GoArticles is awesome because its Google page rank is 6 right now and you can put direct affiliate links in your articles.  No need for a landing page or a redirect domain.  It is also highly recommended here at WA.

Good luck everybody.


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crow Premium
Hey cool! Haven't tried that out yet. I might decide to take a look over that direction >_> but I kinda like making the landing pages. lol
jatdebeaune Premium
Haven't done GoArticles yet, but wonder why they won't accept gmail. I have so many email addresses that I actually keep files on each one.